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Re^5: A wholly inadequate reply to an Anonymous Monk

by TimToady (Parson)
on Apr 23, 2010 at 19:24 UTC ( [id://836591]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^4: A wholly inadequate reply to an Anonymous Monk
in thread A wholly inadequate reply to an Anonymous Monk

I half expect to see a hard requirement for a race of militant space pandas enslave Europe in some of these alternate proposed project plans.
That's not sufficiently farfetched. Could I instead interest you in a volcanic eruption that causes a bunch of displaced, disaffected European hackers to descend upon PerlMonks like a plague of locusts? :-)
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Re^6: A wholly inadequate reply to an Anonymous Monk
by StommePoes (Scribe) on May 01, 2010 at 10:13 UTC

    No way, I totally want to see the militant space pandas. Iceland simply can't compete with that. They only have Bjork.

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