in reply to use class path


use lib "../lib"; use Algorithm::Evolutionary;

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Re^2: use class path
by josera (Beadle) on May 26, 2010 at 20:38 UTC
    No, I get the same mistake: Can't locate Alogirthm/Evolutionary in @INC (@INC contans ../lib lib c:/strawberry/perl/site/lib c:/strawberry/perl/vendor/lib c:/strawberry/perl/lib .) at line 24

      Are you sure the relative path ../lib is correct (maybe you meant ./lib)?  From which directory are you running the script?  In case of doubt, simply specify the absolute path.

      Can't locate Alogirthm/Evolutionary
      It looks like you misspelled "Algorithm".

        Looks like a manually retyped (instead of copy-n-pasted) error message, otherwise there would've been .pm at the end of the module name.

      You're sure it's spelled right? (It's not in the reply you posted above.)