Chapter 03, under the header "Names", you have a comment block regarding rearranging the following two sections. If one of those is the one on the utf8 pragma, then may I humbly suggest moving that section into the section above the examples, such as (emphasis added for change clarity):
Names (or identifiers) are everywhere in Perl programs: variables, functions, packages, classes, and even filehandles have names. These names all start with a letter or an underscore. They may optionally include any combination of letters, numbers, and underscores. When the utf8 pragma (Pragmas, Unicode and Strings) is in effect, you may use any valid UTF-8 characters in identifiers, provided that they still start with a letter or underscore and optionally contain one or more alphanumeric or underscore characters. These are all valid Perl identifiers:
This would also optionally allow you to provide an example of a UTF-8 character in a variable, if you so desired.
Still reading, but looks impressive so far. I hope to have the time to dig further, and to pick it up when it comes out in dead-tree form.