Please use <code> tags. Your code appears like this: #!/usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my %hasharray;
open (my $fh,"<","c:/datanew.txt") or die ("can't open the file");
while(my $line= <$fh>){
#print $_
if ($line=~ /[a-z]/){
my $n=$line;
#print $n;
my $nextline= <$fh>;
# print $nextline;
if($nextline =~/[a-z]/){
#****/here I am having problem.. i don't klnow hopw to co
+mplete the code****/
else {
my @d =split(',',$nextline);
You appear to have a sequential file, and are reading records in two places. Your data, as displayed, appeared to be just one line with fields separated by a space. Can you please clarify the data format? |