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Re: Code Golf: Four is magic

by thundergnat (Deacon)
on Jul 15, 2010 at 13:56 UTC ( [id://849776]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Code Golf: Four is magic

A version that returns the English names of the input 1-2 digit number.

Update: Hmmm. I just noticed on the stackoverflow page that they clarified that the numbers should be spelled out in both the left AND right columns. Phooey.

Another update: And now there's some further stipulation that there be a separator(space, hyphen, whatever) between spelled words and the input number must come in through STDIN, not as a passed parameter, so no pop @ARGV.

Update: 283

@p=(Thir,Four,Fif,Six,Seven,Eigh,Nine);@n=("\x8",One,Two,Three,Four,Fi +ve,@p[3..6],Ten,Eleven,Twelve,map$_.teen,@p);s/u//for@m=map$_.ty,Twen +,@p;$n[8].=t;sub n{$n=shift;$n?$n<20?$n[$n]:"$m[$n/10-2]-$n[$n%10]":Z +ero}$p+=<>;warn$m=n($p)," is ",$_=$p-4?n$p=()=$m=~/\w/g:magic,".\n"un +til/c/
Zero is Four.
Four is magic.

Forty is Five.
Five is Four.
Four is magic.

Sixty-Seven is Ten.
Ten is Three.
Three is Five.
Five is Four.
Four is magic.

Eighty-Three is Eleven.
Eleven is Six.
Six is Three.
Three is Five.
Five is Four.
Four is magic.

##### Versions that don't spell out right column. #####

Update:Sigh. Apparently I'm blind. Using duelafns suggestion, modifying the end conditional and some other minor tweaks.


@p=(Thir,Four,Fif,Six,Seven,Eigh,Nine);@n=("",One,Two,Three,Four,Five, +@p[3..6],Ten,Eleven,Twelve,map($_.teen,@p),map$_.ty,Twen,@p);$n[22]=~ +s/u//;$n[8].=t;$_+=<>;print$z=$_?$_<20?$n[$_]:$n[$_/10+18].$n[$_%10]: +Zero," is ",$_=$_-4?length$z:magic,".\n"until/a/


perl -E'@p=(Thir,Four,Fif,Six,Seven,Eigh,Nine);@n=("",One,Two,Three,Fo +ur,Five,@p[3..6],Ten,Eleven,Twelve,map($_.teen,@p),map$_.ty,Twen,@p); +$n[22]=~s/u//;$n[8].=t;$_+=<>;say$z=$_?$_<20?$n[$_]:$n[$_/10+18].$n[$ +_%10]:Zero," is ",$_=$_-4?length$z:magic,"."until/a/'

Previous versions

Update: 314 Reformatted a bit to make it easier to run as a one liner. Capitalized names... because I could. Knocked another 2 strokes off. It bothers me that I can't figure out how to get rid of the duplicated Four without making it longer. I guess Four IS magic...

@u="0335443554366887798866555766"=~/./g;sub n{@p=(Thir,Four,Fif,Six,Se +ven,Eigh,Nine);@n=("",One,Two,Three,Four,Five,@p[3..6],Ten,Eleven,Twe +lve,map($_.teen,@p),map$_.ty,Twen,@p);$n[22]=~s/u//;$n[8].=t;shift()? +$_<20?$n[$_]:$n[$_/10+18].$n[$_%10]:Zero}$_=pop;print$z=n($_)," is ", +$_=$_-4?length$z:magic,".\n"while/\d/

Update: 316

@u='0335443554366887798866555766'=~/./g;sub n{@p=(thir,four,fif,six,se +ven,eigh,nine);@n=('',one,two,three,four,five,@p[3..6],ten,eleven,twe +lve,map($_.teen,@p),twenty,map$_.ty,@p);$n[22]=~s/u//;$n[8].=t;shift( +)?$_<20?$n[$_]:$n[$_/10+18].$n[$_%10]:zero}$_=pop;print$z=n($_)," is +",$_=$_-4?length$z:magic,".\n"while/\d/

Update: 337

@u='0335443554366887798866555766'=~/./g;sub n{@p=(qw/thir four fif six + seven eigh nine/);@n=('',qw/one two three four five/,@p[3..6],qw/ten + eleven twelve/,map($_.'teen',@p),'twenty',map$_.'ty',@p);$n[22]=~s/u +//;$n[8].='t';shift()?$_<20?$n[$_]:$n[$_/10+18].$n[$_%10]:'zero'}$_=< +>;print$z=n($_)," is ",$_=$_-4?length$z:magic,".\n"while/\d/

Update: 341

@u='0335443554366887798866555766'=~/./g;sub n{shift;@p=(qw/thir four f +if six seven eigh nine/);@n=('',qw/one two three four five/,@p[3..6], +qw/ten eleven twelve/,map($_.'teen',@p),'twenty',map$_.'ty',@p);$n[22 +]=~s/u//;$n[8].='t';$t=$_?$_<20?$n[$_]:$n[$_/10+18].$n[$_%10]:'zero'} +$_=<>;print$z=n($_)," is ",$_=$_-4?length$z:magic,".\n"while/\d/

Update: 343

@u='0335443554366887798866555766'=~/./g;sub n{shift;@p=(qw/thir four f +if six seven eigh nine/);@n=('',qw/one two three four five/,@p[3..6], +qw/ten eleven twelve/,map($_.'teen',@p),'twenty',map$_.'ty',@p);$n[22 +]=~s/u//;$n[8].='t';$t=$_?$_<20?$n[$_]:$n[$_/10+18].$n[$_%10]:'zero'} +$_=<>;print n($_)," is ",$_=$_-4?length n($_):magic,".\n"while/\d/

Update: 344

@u='0335443554366887798866555766'=~/./g;sub n{shift;@p=(qw/thir four f +if six seven eigh nine/);@n=('',qw/one two three four five/,@p[3..6], +qw/ten eleven twelve/,map($_.'teen',@p),'twenty',map$_.'ty',@p);$n[22 +]=~s/u//;$n[8].='t';$t=$_?$_<20?$n[$_]:$n[$_/10+18].$n[$_%10]:'zero'} +$_=pop;print n($_)," is ",$_=$_-4?length n($_):magic,".\n"while/\d/

Update: 345

@u='0335443554366887798866555766'=~/./g;sub n{shift;@p=(qw/thir four f +if six seven eigh nine/);@n=('',qw/one two three four five/,@p[3..6], +qw/ten eleven twelve/,map($_.'teen',@p),'twenty',map($_.'ty',@p);$n[2 +2]=~s/u//;$n[8].='t';$t=$_?$_<20?$n[$_]:$n[$_/10+18].$n[$_%10]:'zero' +}$_=pop;print n($_)," is ",$_=$_-4?length n($_):magic,".\n"while/\d/

Update: 361

@u='0335443554366887798866555766'=~/./g;sub n{shift;@p=(qw/thir four f +if six seven eigh nine/);@n=('',qw/one two three four five/,@p[3..6], +qw/ten eleven twelve/);push@n,$_.'teen'for@p;$p[1]=~s/u//;push@n,'twe +nty',;push@n,$_.'ty'for@p;$n[8].='t';$t=$_?$_<20?$n[$_]:$n[$_/10+18]. +$n[$_%10]:'zero'}$_=pop;print n($_)," is ",$_=$_-4?length n($_):magic +,".\n"while/\d/

Update: Save a stroke: 383.

@u='0335443554366887798866555766'=~/./g;sub n{shift;@p=(qw/thir four f +if six seven eigh nine/);@n=('',qw/one two three four five/,@p[3..6], +qw/ten eleven twelve/);push@n,$_.'teen'for@p;$p[1]=~s/u//;push@n,'twe +nty',;push@n,$_.'ty'for@p;$n[8].='t';$t=$_?$_<20?$n[$_]:$n[$_/10+18]. +$n[$_%10]:'zero'}$_=pop;print n($_)," is ",$_=$_-4?$_<20?$u[$_]||4:$u +[chop]+$u[18+$_]:magic,".\n"while/\d/

Proof of concept. Should be lots of room for improvement.

Update: whoops. Fixed for fourteen/forty. Curse you, irregular number names!

384 strokes.

@u='0335443554366887798866555766'=~/./g;sub n{shift;@p=(qw/thir four f +if six seven eigh nine/);@n=('',qw/one two three four five/,@p[3..6], +qw/ten eleven twelve/);push@n,$_.'teen'for@p;push@n,'twenty',;push@n, +$_.'ty'for@p;$n[8].='t';$n[22]=~s/u//;$t=$_?$_<20?$n[$_]:$n[$_/10+18] +.$n[$_%10]:'zero'}$_=pop;print n($_)," is ",$_=$_-4?$_<20?$u[$_]||4:$ +u[chop]+$u[18+$_]:magic,".\n"while/\d/
C:\test> 0
zero is 4.
four is magic.

C:\test> 1
one is 3.
three is 5.
five is 4.
four is magic.

C:\test> 14
fourteen is 8.
eight is 5.
five is 4.
four is magic.

C:\test> 15
fifteen is 7.
seven is 5.
five is 4.
four is magic.

C:\test> 18
eighteen is 8.
eight is 5.
five is 4.
four is magic.

C:\test> 44
fortyfour is 9.
nine is 4.
four is magic.

C:\test> 77
seventyseven is 12.
twelve is 6.
six is 3.
three is 5.
five is 4.
four is magic.

C:\test> 80
eighty is 6.
six is 3.
three is 5.
five is 4.
four is magic.

C:\test> 99
ninetynine is 10.
ten is 3.
three is 5.
five is 4.
four is magic.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: Code Golf: Four is magic
by duelafn (Parson) on Jul 16, 2010 at 00:17 UTC

    So, um, what's @u still doing in there? :)

    Update: Removing @u, using do{} instead of a sub, and applying the "say" cheat gives 261 260 (until/m/) strokes

    #123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12345 +6789 123456789 123456789 123456789_123456789 123456789 123456789 1234 +56789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789_123 +456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 for f in 0 4 12 99; do perl -E'$_=pop;say$z=do{@p=(Thir,Four,Fif,Six,Seven,Eigh,Nine);@n=("", +One,Two,Three,Four,Five,@p[3..6],Ten,Eleven,Twelve,map($_.teen,@p),ma +p$_.ty,Twen,@p);$n[22]=~s/u//;$n[8].=t;$_?$_<20?$n[$_]:$n[$_/10+18].$ +n[$_%10]:Zero}," is ",$_=$_-4?length$z:magic,"."until/m/' $f ; \ echo; done

    Good Day,

      Ummm........ Wasting about 30 strokes? Apparently I have very selective blindness...

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