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Re^3: A logo for Perl

by thunders (Priest)
on Jul 16, 2010 at 15:38 UTC ( [id://849996]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: A logo for Perl
in thread A logo for Perl

sadly there is no interest and i'm giving up now, the logos will not get finished.

I'm sorry to hear that, I think your design showed a lot of promise. Is this a case of nobody in a position of influence wanting to hurt Larry's feelings? Because the current logo is just awful. Unprofessional, ugly, it reinforces many of the unfortunate negative stereotypes about perl that I hear from other programmers. And I really think the official logo for Perl 6 should really be something that's open to debate

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Re^4: A logo for Perl
by chromatic (Archbishop) on Jul 16, 2010 at 15:50 UTC
    Is this a case of nobody in a position of influence wanting to hurt Larry's feelings?

    No; plenty of people have expressed opinions of Camelia both pro and con. (I like Camelia, and not only because it annoys people to the point of threatening never to use Perl 6.)

    I really think the official logo for Perl 6 should really be something that's open to debate.

    Go ahead and debate it with Larry then. Good luck.

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