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Re^3: Perlmonks Threaded Article Viewer (Trend)

by toolic (Bishop)
on Jul 30, 2010 at 21:11 UTC ( [id://852169]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Perlmonks Threaded Article Viewer (Trend)
in thread Perlmonks Threaded Article Viewer

Nevermind :(

See my update: Re: Perlmonks Threaded Article Viewer (Trend)

Asking those that are still here will probably not elicit good explanations.
You are probably right. However, you might be the perfect monk to recount some event in the history of the Monastery, given your longevity as a monk and your exceptionally high frequency of participation herein. "I remember the hurricane back in '05 that wiped out the barn." I'm not saying there was such an event, but if there had been, you'd be someone in a good position to remember it.
ask former active members to say why they are no longer such?
That would be insightful, indeed.
Perhaps it could be wrapped up in a poll?
Good idea. I doubt I'll get to it soon; so if anyone else wants to do it, feel free.
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