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Re^2: Adding the duplicate data using arrays

by changma_ha (Sexton)
on Aug 11, 2010 at 08:58 UTC ( [id://854273]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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Re^3: Adding the duplicate data using arrays
by space_agent (Acolyte) on Aug 11, 2010 at 11:44 UTC

    Just to sum it up. Here (.*) takes both columns as * is a greedy quantifier

    and takes as much as possible and this is until the number (\d+) comes into play.

    while (<DATA>) { m/(.*)\s+(\d+)/; $hash{$1} += $2; #$1 is the fruit $2 the number } for my $fruit (keys %hash) { print "$fruit $hash{$fruit}\n"; } __END__ Apple Grape 100 Ginger Fry 200 Apple Grape 80 Ginger Banana 800 Ginger Fry 150 Ginger Banana 45
Re^3: Adding the duplicate data using arrays
by JavaFan (Canon) on Aug 11, 2010 at 09:14 UTC
    Ah, but you don't really have three columns. You just have two columns, with the first column being "Apple Banana", etc.

      Ok..JavaFan. If i have the data "Apple banana 100" if i split on the basis of "\s+" it will split Apple and how can i split in such a way that "Apple Banana " is the key and "100" is the value...give me some wisdom

        my ($fruit, $value) = "Apple banana 100" =~ /^(.*\S)\s+([0-9]+)/;

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