### Filename: file_upload_sys.data ## subs in file: #hook $| = 1; $q = new CGI (\&hook, $sess_ref); # CGI->new(\&hook, $sess_ref); ## Tried it with both of these, neither worked # Also tried both of these: #$q = new CGI (\&hook, $sess_ref, $use_tempfile); # CGI->new(\&hook, $sess_ref, $use_tempfile); # Neither worked $_sloc = '/tmp/s'; # This is the file upload hook, where we can update our session # file with the dirty details of how the upload is going. sub hook { my ($filename,$buffer,$bytes_read,$file) = @_; my ($sessid) = $ENV{QUERY_STRING}; my $length = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}; my $percent = 0; if ($length > 0) { # Don't divide by zero. $percent = sprintf("%.1f", (( $bytes_read / $length ) * 100) ); } if($file) { $file->attr("_uploadUpdateStatus_",join(':',$bytes_read,$length,$percent)); } # Write this data to the session file. open (SES, ">$_sloc/$sessid.session"); print SES "$bytes_read:$length:$percent"; close (SES); } my $action = $q->param("view"); if ($action eq "upl") { # Make a file upload hook. # They are first submitting the file. This code doesn't really run much # until AFTER the file is completely uploaded. my $sessid = $q->param("sessid") || $ENV{QUERY_STRING}; open (SES,">$_sloc/$sessid.session") or die "Could not locate file: $! $_sloc/$sessid.session;"; print SES "1:1:1"; close (SES); my $filename = $q->param("incoming"); my $handle = $q->upload("incoming"); $filename =~ s/(?:\\|\/)([^\\\/]+)$/$1/g; # Copy the file to its final location. open (FILE, ">/home$_website_username/www/Videos/$filename") or die "Can't create file: $!"; my $buffer; while (read($handle,$buffer,2048)) { print FILE $buffer; } close (FILE); # Delete the session file. unlink("$_sloc/$sessid.session"); # Done. $_tfile = "/home$_website_username/www/Videos/" . $filename; $type = uploadInfo($filename)->{'Content-Type'}; ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($_tfile); if(-e "/home$_website_username/www/Videos/$filename") { $sess_ref->attr("show_message","success|I have successfully uploaded $filename to: http://www.domain.com/Videos/$filename
File type: $type
File size: $size bytes
"); window_redirect("$_url?page=$in{page}&do=$in{do}$sess_id"); } else { $sess_ref->attr("show_message","error|I could not upload the file: $filename to: http://www.domain.com/Videos/$filename
File type: $type
File size: $size bytes
$_page_content"); window_redirect("$_url?page=$in{page}&do=$in{do}$sess_id"); } } elsif ($action eq "ping") { # Now the meat of the CGI script. print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; # Checking up on the status of the upload. my $sessid = $q->param("sessid"); # Exists? if (open(OUTF, "$_sloc/$sessid.session")) { my $data = ; close (OUTF); print "$data"; } elsif($sess_ref) { $data = $sess_ref->attr("_uploadUpdateStatus_"); print "$data"; } else { print "Error reading Upload progress...$sessid $! $_sloc/$sessid.session"; } if($sess_ref) { $sess_ref->close(); } if($dbh) { $dbh->disconnect(); } exit; } else { my @chars = ( "A" .. "Z", "a" .. "z", 0 .. 9 ); $_newSessId = $_un . join("", @chars[ map { rand @chars } ( 1 .. 10 ) ]); $_page_content .= qq~
Approved Upload System

Hello, you have been verified as allowed to upload files to the Videos directory for the .com website...

Please use the system below to upload files to this directory.

~ . start_multipart_form(-name=>"uploadFile", -action=>url() . '?' . $_newSessId, -method=>"POST", -onSubmit=>"return startUpload();", id=>"theform") . hidden(-name=>"page") . hidden(-name=>"do") . hidden(-name=>"sessid", -value=>$_newSessId, -override=>1) . hidden(-name=>"view", -value=>"upl", -override=>1) . $hidden_sess_id . filefield(-name=>'incoming', -class=>'formfield', -size=>50, -maxlength=>80) . qq~

~ . submit(-name=>"choice", -value=>"Upload The File", -class=>"submit") . qq~

~ . end_form() . qq~

~ . q~ ~; } 1;