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# a poor regex my $hot_meal = qr/hot.*meal/; ... say 'Found a hot meal!' if 'I have a hot meal' =~ $hot_meal; say 'Found a hot meal!' if 'I did some one-shot, piecemeal work!' =~ $hot_meal;
my $minimal_greedy_match = qr/hot.*?meal/;
say 'Found a hot meal' if 'ilikeahotmeal' =~ /$minimal_greedy_matc +h/;
my $minimal_greedy_at_least_one = qr/hot.+?meal/; unlike( 'ilikeahotmeal', $minimal_greedy_at_least_one ); like( 'i like a hot meal', $minimal_greedy_at_least_one );
my $seven_down = qr/\Al${letters_only}{2}m\Z/; | |
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