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Re: Re: Re: Re: Old, unused nick desired..

by Tiefling (Monk)
on Jun 06, 2001 at 13:59 UTC ( [id://86162]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: Re: Old, unused nick desired..
in thread Old, unused nick desired..

I would suggest being lenient. As there does not, in fact, appear to be a great shortage of space here, we can afford to retain the distinctive identities of those who've contributed, even if they have vanished. Given the way that, say, Geocities aggravated their subscribers, I'd say we'd make ourselves quite unpopular and unnecessarily draconian if we were to cull users who have posted. Perhaps after _one year_ we might send out reminders.

Tiefling the lenient
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