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Far More than Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know about Prototypes in Perl -- by Tom Christiansen

by liverpole (Monsignor)
on Sep 25, 2010 at 15:29 UTC ( [id://861966]=perltutorial: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

This excellent article, by Tom Christiansen, seems to get harder and harder to find on the Internet (all the links I found to it were broken).  I'm posting it here to preserve it in an easy-to-reference location, as I'm always recommending it to cow-orkers and friends.

Thanks to moritz and Limbic~Region for locating a copy of it!  (

I'm hoping it's okay to publish this here, and that Tom wouldn't mind, since it is available on the Internet (albeit with some serious searching).  Please /msg me if anyone knows a reason it would be better NOT to post it here (thanks!).

Update:  Converted characters '[' and ']' to '[' and ']'.

Far More Than Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know about
Prototypes in Perl

by Tom Christiansen

(Originally written for the perl5-porters mailing list.)


The major issue with ``prototypes'' in Perl is that the experienced programmer comes to Perl bearing a pre-conceived but nevertheless completely rational notion of what a ``prototype'' is and how it works, yet this notion has shockingly little in common with what they really do in Perl.

Great Expectations

Nearly any programmer you encounter will, when asked what function prototypes are for, report the standard text-book answer that function prototypes are mainly used to catch usage errors at compile time in functions called with an unexpected type or number of parameters. This is what programmers are expecting of prototypes, and what Perl does not give them. In some ways, it can't.

A few respondents might further observe that prototypes in some circumstances may permit the compiler to generate better code, or even code that is more correct. The classic example of the latter situation is float f = sqrt(2). Without the prototype of

double sqrt(double n)
in scope, the compiler not only thinks that sqrt() returns an int, it also thinks that that ``2'' above should be passed into the function as an int rather than as a double, thereby generating incorrect machine code. The prototype quietly fixes this, and probably forbids or at least complains about passing in anything other than a single number, such as two strings or nothing at all.

How Prototypes Really Work in Perl

With that in mind, let's look at Perl's ``prototypes''. One can argue that rather less misunderstanding might have arisen had Larry historically chosen to call these ``parameter context templates'' rather than ``prototypes''.

These mostly do nothing more that provide an implicit context coercion in order to spare the caller from having to sprinkle the code with calls to scalar() or to supply backslashes in order to pass aggregates by reference. They do comparatively little in the way of checking the type or number of arguments. So just what good are they, anyway?

They're good for creating user-defined functions that behave in much the same way that Perl's own built-in functions behave with respect to their effects upon the parser and upon implicit contexts. This has two benefits: one to allow you to omit parentheses; the other to allow you, nay require you, to omit a backslash.

For example, the built-in function time() is one that, unlike most new functions devised by members of this august body, brooks no argument. That means that writing

    $x = time + 20_000_000;

is really the same as writing

    $x = time() + 20_000_000;

The parser itself knows not to look for arguments. Perl gained support for ``prototypes'' for precisely this very situation. The results of translating C preprocessor code via h2ph was wont to take something like

    #define NATALITY 31203691 

and convert that C preprocessor code into Perl as:

    sub NATALITY { 31203691 }

The catastrophic problem is that this no longer behaves as simple token-for-token replacement where one terminal is replaced by a different one without any effect on the surrounding code. Instead what happens is that NATALITY becomes a Perl function, which, like all user-defined Perl functions in the absence of ``prototypes'', is by nature a variadic one. This produces a significantly different parse:

    $x = NATALITY + 1;

silently becomes not

    $x = NATALITY() + 1;

but rather

    $x = NATALITY(+1);

Another untidy consequence of not supplying the parentheses is that the compiler now isn't always sure about whether it should be expecting a terminal (in the grammar) or not. That means that several tokens, such as ``<'', ``<<'', and ``/'', all become ambiguous. The ``<'' could be the binary infix numeric less-than operator, or it could be the left-hand component of the circumfix readline operator. The ``<<'' could be the binary infix bitwise left-shift operator, or it could be the start of here-document. The ``/'' could be the binary infix numeric division operator, or it could be the left-hand component of a pattern match quote operation. When you had something like this, you couldn't do simple things in simple ways, and it confused people. They aren't used to having

    if (NATALITY < 10) 

be a syntax error. (The fact that it is still a problem in innumerable other situations, such as print() or length(), is little consolation.)

So that's why Larry introduced ``prototypes'' into Perl. In particular, the void ``prototype''

    sub NATALITY() { 31203691 }

cures this unpleasantry.

You see, ``prototypes'' were really a bug fix. Since Larry had already started down this path--or, if you would, slope--he kept on going by permitting user-defined functions to have (some of) the sorts of parameter context templates long enjoyed by built-in functions.

Besides functions of no parameters--I'd call them void functions but that risks confusion between the input values and the output values--the other two main flavors of parameter context templates are those that take one input and those that can take many. Built-in functions that manifest these two different behaviours are rand() and unlink() respectively. Sometimes these are called ``named unary operators'' and ``named list operators''.

So now we can classify all user-defined functions and most built-ins into one of three possible sorts, depending on their parameter context templates. There is a certain elegance here. The subroutine can through its ``prototype'' tell its callers (and the compiler) whether it wants zero, one, or any number of input values. The caller can communicate its desire to receive as output zero, one, or any number of output values back from the subroutine, if that subroutine consults the value of wantarray() at run-time. Since zero, one, and as-many-as-I-want are the three nice numbers in programming, this holds substantial aesthetic appeal.

These parameter context templates have both compile-time effects and run-time effects. The compile-time effect of ``void input'' functions has already been shown using time(). The monadic functions--that is, the named unary operators--also affect the parse. This code

    @a = (rand 10, 20);

will put two elements into the array, because it implicitly parses as

    @a = (rand(10), 20);

That's because somewhere (, ultimately) there's a parameter context template for rand() that sets up the function to act like

    sub rand($);

The parser knows that this function is expecting one and only one argument. That means that

    @nums = (rand 10, rand 10, rand 10);

is really

    @nums = (rand(10), rand(10), rand(10));

rather than

    @nums = (rand(10, rand(10, rand(10))));

which is what it would have been if rand() had been a variadic function instead of a monadic one.

A scalar context template has another effect. It causes an expression evaluated to supply the monadic function's input value to be evaluated in scalar context. That means that at run-time, wantarray() will now return false. This way this code:

    $x = rand fn();

is really

    $x = rand(scalar(fn()));

but only because of the scalar ``prototype''.

Is this kind of thing is of any practical use? Perhaps. One example would be:

   socket(Sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'))

The built-in socket() function is not a variadic one. It has a particular parameter context template (a.k.a. ``prototype'') that assures that getprotobyname() shall be called in scalar context, not list context. This makes getprotobyname() return a single value instead of a list of values.

As with socket(), which takes four scalar (I'm fudging a bit; the first is a handle) arguments, you yourself can create functions that take several scalar arguments. For example, the built-in dyadic function atan2() (or prefix named binary operator, I suppose) has an effective ``prototype'' of:

    sub atan2($$);

However, unlike monadic functions where the parser only gobbles as many arguments as the function wants, such a ``prototype'' here will not cause the parser to only grab two arguments. That means that

    @a = (atan2 1, 2, 3);

does not become

    @a = (atan2(1, 2), 3);

as one would be likely to infer upon learning how rand() works. Instead, it is a syntax error at compile time. However, there is a run-time effect. Something like this:

    $x = atan2(fy(), fx())

calls both those functions in scalar context, supplying their two single return values as input to atan2().

Reference Prototypes

I said that ``prototypes'' can do two things: one, to allow you to dispense with parentheses, and two, to allow you on occasion to dispense with a backslash. Let's now look at the second case.

When you specify a ``prototype'' of $, @, or %, you may also precede that with a backslash. (There are also ``prototype'' possibilities of & or *, but they are not necessary for this discussion.) This parameter context template means that the programmer must use that exact symbol, and Perl will then supply the backslash to pass that argument by reference.

For example, suppose you wanted a function that stuck key-value pairs into a hash, somewhat reminiscent of the way push() places additional elements into an array. Here's how you'd do that:

    sub hpush(\%@) {
        my $href = shift;       # NB: not %
        while ( my ($k, $v) = splice(@_, 0, 2) ) {
            $href->{$k} = $v;
    hpush(%pieces, "queen" => 9, "rook" => 5);

This works out rather nicely. As you see, here as in so many other areas, Perl's ``prototypes'' work out well when they are used for what they were designed to do--that is, to emulate built-in functions by allowing calls to a user-defined subroutine to be subject to the same implicit parameter context conversions as built-ins are.

Prototype Bugs

So what's the problem? It's not just one, actually. There are rather more than you probably realize. There are definitely more than someone who simply hears that Perl has ``prototypes'' is likely to imagine. I know of a few bugs, which I'll get out of the way first. These can be fixed. The design issues are the important matters, and those are discussed in the next section..

One bug with ``prototypes'' is that if you call:

    $x = fn(@a);
    sub fn(\@) { ... }

then you get no warning to the effect that Perl already assumed that fn() was just a standard variadic function; that is, one whose parameter context template is simply sub fn(@). This should be reported, much as when C complains when it catches you using a function without declaring its return type and thus making the compiler guess the function's return type to be int, but then you go off and later on in the source declare the function to be of some other return type.

Another bug is that you can at compile time declare ``prototypes'' with multiple backslashes, such as fn(\\@). These are accepted at compile-time, but at run-time, raise an exception.

That's not the only thing that is silently accepted but completely useless. Consider

    sub fn(@@) { ... }
    sub fn(%%) { ... }
    sub fn(%$) { ... }
    sub fn($%) { ... }
    sub fn(@$) { ... }
    sub fn($@) { ... }
    sub fn(%@) { ... }
    sub fn(@%) { ... }

What do those do? They don't raise an exception, but neither will they do anything useful for you. This will be explained more in the text below.

Finally, there have historically been bugs related to the * and & ``prototypes''. I know that Sarathy has worked on at least some of them, and I am unsure on their exact status.

Prototype Problems

This section, I imagine, is what you've all been waiting for, and I commend you for having read everything up to this point. I know people hate to read, but I felt that without the proper background that I attempted to provide above, I would not reach many of you when it came time to explaining the grave problems inherent in Perl's implementation of ``prototypes''.

That time is now.

I suppose you could class all these problems into two groups, one comprising those cases where Perl doesn't do what you want it to, and the other comprising those cases where Perl does what you don't want it to. Both are highly annoying.

The problems that arise from ``prototypes'' are many. Some are due to inappropriate expectations on the part of the users, who for quite obvious reasons expect Perl's ``prototypes'' to work like prototypes instead of like implicit context coercion templates for input parameters to the function.

Sometimes users ask for support of exact prototypes for strings or numbers or integers or floats or booleans. These requests are reasonably easy to fend off. You just tell them that a scalar can happily hold any of these at any time. You can't know from one moment to the next whether $x contains one or the other of these. Go on to point out that some things just have to be done through run-time assertions or contract-validations. Like what? Well, such as, oh, a dyadic function whose arguments should be two integers representing two opposing sides of a right triangle whose hypotenuse is also an integral number of units. Or a function that requires a 47-digit prime number as input. :-) Some things you just have to check at run-time.

You might find yourself on slightly shakier ground when they ask how to ensure and enforce that arguments be of particular object types. It's shakier because strict typing is often more important to those whose first stab at any problem is to throw an object at it (and you wouldn't want them to think you the problem). But you can still work your way out of this squeeze if you just remind them that first of all, Perl is dynamically typed (that's what we did for the previous paragraph) and that secondly, you should be using method-call dispatch to get polymorphism. If the OO folks continue to object, try redirecting them to the documentation for Damian Conway's Class::MultiMethod module. This should suffice to give you enough breathing room to make your escape. Plus it might even solve their problem directly or inspire them to approach the problem from a completely different direction.

But you can only dodge the more horrific issues for so long. These are the ones that just seem broken as designed, at least if you're coming from certain cultural prejudices. And there may not really be much we can do about these matters, either, because they may be inevitable consequences of how the Perl language works. These ``surprises'', or brokennesses if you would, are side-effects of Perl's design and the initial purpose of ``prototypes''. This puts them somewhere between difficult and impossible to ``fix''.

Problems with Regular Prototypes

The first surprise is that when Perl programmers see ``$'', ``@'', and ``%'', they usually think ``scalar'', ``array'', and ``hash'' respectively. This isn't completely accurate in all cases, but it is, nevertheless, what they often think.

So when the user sees a ``prototype'' of ``$'', the primrose programming path leads them to believe, lamentably, that the compiler will complain if they pass something in that's not a scalar. Nothing could be further from the truth!

The built-in function length() has a ``$'' prototype. That doesn't mean that you can hope for an error if you don't pass in a single scalar value. It means that whatsoever you pass in shall be subtly converted into a scalar behind your back and under your nose (yes, these sorts of sordid shenanigans get you both coming and going). This isn't what could even charitably be referred to as error checking. This is implicit casting between incompatible types.

    @array = (1 .. 10);
    print length(@array);

You might think that would be an error, but it's not, because there exists an implicit coercion rule for arrays taken in scalar context: it's the number of elements in that array. That number, in this case, is 10. Now then, what do you imagine the length of 10 to be? That question doesn't really make much sense as stated (neither did the last one, though), but it just so happens that you've lucked out again: there's another implicit coercion rule for treating a number like a string. That yields ``10'', a string which you will note is two bytes long. Thus the answer is 2.

Nifty, eh?

If you think that's bizarre, consider this:

    print length(%ENV)

Surely that's a compilation error? Silly programmer, of course it's not! This is Perl. You would be astonished at just how much Sturm und Drang the Perl compiler will put up with--and come to think of it, you probably are, and on a regular basis. Since you gave Perl a ridiculous request, Perl dutifully provides you in return a ridiculous response--but not an error; oh no, not that! The scalar sense of a hash is a string representing its internal fullness. This might be, for example, ``29/64''. Noting that this is a string of five bytes, you can probably by now surmise the printed value: 5.

Nifty, eh?

That means that a function with a scalar prototype does not complain if something is passed to it that's not a scalar. It simply silently coerces into something it never was, and in all likelihood, was never meant to be in the first place.

Now, there are a few rare places where the ``$'' prototype will actually catch you making a mistake. Not many, but some. One is when you pass it a list. Remember that lists and arrays aren't the same; this distinction is critical in later examples. This

    print length("fred", "barney")

will raise a compile-time exception, because you've passed two arguments to length(), but it wanted only one.

However, not all lists are so fortunate.

    sub fn1 { return ("fred", "barney") }
    print length fn1();

The answer there is 6. Why is that? Because you returned a list, which in scalar context ended up being just the last element, ``barney'', whose length was 6.

But now try this:

    @names = ("fred", "barney")
    sub fn2 { return @names } 

    print length fn2();

This time the answer is 1. Why? Because fn2() was called in scalar context, and thus @names is in scalar context when it's returned. There are two elements. The length of ``2'' is, of course, 1 byte.

So although a literal list can't be brazenly given to length() directly, placing a list in a function call whose result is passed to length() is, unavoidably, ok--for surprising values of ``ok''. And notice also how putting an array in the return is completely different from putting a list there.

But even some literal lists are permitted if supplied as arguments to length(). Here's one:

    print length(@names[1,0])

This is not a compiler error. What's the answer? It's 4, because a slice is just a list, and a list in scalar context is the last thing, which in this case is ``fred'', whose length is 4. You might think that the compiler would catch this, but it doesn't. And it certainly wouldn't know what to do with

    print length(@names[@indices])

Because there's no way--at least at compile time--to know whether @indices might contain just one thing, the compiler isn't completely certain that you're doing something nutty. The maintainers of your code might be, but the compiler is more, well, permissive.

It's especially important not to add prototypes later to existing function. If you do, you may change the parse. Imagine a function like this

    sub fn {
        my $n = shift;

And then called it these ways:

    @a = ($x);

All would be well. If you then added a sub fn($) ``prototype'', existing code above would break. If your function were expecting two arguments:

    sub fn {
        my ($i,$j) = @_;

And you called it these ways:

    fn($x, $y)
    @a = ($x, $y);

Then later adding a sub fn($$) ``prototype'' would really be bad news. In fact, it would be a compilation error, because you can't just pass in @a anymore, even if you're sure it contains two elements.

As you see, this scalar ``prototype'' is in no way useful for checking the types or number of arguments, which is the thing virtually everyone expects a prototype to be useful for. And if you think ``$'' is bad, there's no silver lining in the clouds coming over the horizon. The rest of the ``prototypes'' aren't any better.

Let's examine the ``@'' ``prototype''. What's that? Is it an array? No, it's not. It just looks like that. It's merely a list. Is it a required list? Why no, it's not. You're welcome to supply a list of no elements; that is, omit it altogether.

    sub fn(@) { ... }

Can be called not only as


but also as

    fn($scalar1, $scalar2)

and so on and so forth. The ``@'' really just says that this is a normal Perl function, which means it's variadic. It pretty much means the same as if you had used no ``prototype'' at all.

You could, if you were careful, use this in conjunction with ``$'', and then it might have a tiny bit of meaning. For example:

    sub fn($@) {
        my ($scalar, @array) = @_;
        print "Got $scalar and @array\n";

This isn't really much fun, either. It doesn't help you with the number or types of arguments very much. Oh, calling it with nothing at all is flagged at compile time, but that's it. The following crazinesses are all permitted, despite the ``$@'' prototype. The first part in all the calls below will be cast into the scalar abyss.

    fn( xyz() )
    fn( xyz(), xyz() )
    fn( xyz(), xyz(), xyz() )
    fn($scalar, @array)
    fn(@array, @array)
    fn(@array, @array, @array)
    fn($scalar, %hash)
    fn(%hash, %hash)
    fn($scalar, @array, %hash)

It sure looks like that ``$@'' signature there is more trouble than it's worth, now doesn't it? There's also the issue ``@@'' is accepted as a ``prototype'', but actually means nothing. Or the one that ``@$'' is accepted, but means the same thing as ``@''. You aren't going to get anything evaluated in a scalar context that way.

Since we're having so much fun, let's move on to ``%''. This ``prototype'' means what? That we're expecting a hash? Not at all! In fact, it is completely identical to a ``prototype'' of just ``@''. Everything I said about ``@'' is true for ``%'', because they are the same! You can't get any type checking here. It doesn't even bother to check whether you have an even number of arguments. Given a ``prototype'' of

    sub fn(%) { } 

these are all still licentiously permitted:

    fn($scalar1, $scalar2)
    fn(@array1, @array2)
    fn(%hash1, %hash2)

You get the same issues with ``%%'', ``%$'', and ``$%'' as we saw earlier with ``@'' instead of ``%''.

So you see, just like ``$'' and ``@'', ``%'' cannot be used for checking the type or number of arguments, since it doesn't care about these matters. In fact, it really doesn't care about anything at all. It's even worse than the already useless ``@''. The ``%'' is just sitting there as though it had no other purpose in life but to confuse you. I suspect it may have succeeded. This is not your fault, though.

Problems with Reference Prototypes

What about the reference ``prototypes''? At some level, they're more predictable than ``$'', ``@'', ``%'', which please remember meant scalar, list, and um, well, list, respectively. You can also use ``\$'', ``\@'', and ``\%'' to indicate references to scalars, arrays, and hashes, respectively. (Why ``&'' really means reference to function instead of using ``\&'' for that, I leave as a meditation for the reader.) But I'm afraid that these, too, may often be more trouble than they're worth.

You see, those symbols don't actually say that you must pass in a scalar reference, an array reference, and a hash reference. Rather, they say you must pass in a scalar variable, an array variable, and a hash variable. That means that the compiler insists upon seeing a properly notated variable of the given type, complete with ``$'', ``@'', or ``%'' in that slot. You must not use a backslash. The compiler silently supplies the backslash for you. The hpush() function shown above demonstrates this kind of thing in action.

To see how this works when you use ``\@'' in the ``prototype'', you haven't declared a function as taking a reference to an array. Rather, you've declared one that takes an array, which the compiler will pass by (implicit) reference to you.

There are times when this is annoying. Consider the good old push() function. Its ``prototype'' is ``\@@'', which means that it takes one array and an optional list as arguments, and that that array shall be passed by reference. Think of how often you've been forced to do something like

    push @{ $hash{$string} }, $value;

Why can't you just do this:

    push $hash{$string}, $value;

It's because of the ``prototype''. You must use the ``@'' sign. Yes, I know there's probably a reference to an array there, but that's not what the prototype says. The compiler doesn't want a reference to an array (contrary to popular misunderstanding). It wants an array, and you haven't given it one with a real ``@'' sign.

Passing in more than one aggregate into a Perl function is a problem, because aggregates interpolate into parameter lists. For example, add_vecpair(@these, @those) will not normally be able to distinguish between the first array and the second one.

Let's make a function that takes two arrays of numbers and returns a new list where each element is the sum of the corresponding elements of the two input lists. That subroutine definition would look like this:

    sub add_vecpair( \@ \@ ) { ....

Make sure that that definition is seen by the compiler before it compiles any calls to the function. Once this is done, the function can (and must) then be called this way:

        @c = add_vecpair(@a, @b);   

Technically, once any function's definition has been seen by the compiler, you don't need to use the parentheses on the call. This is the same thing:

    @c = add_vecpair @a, @b;    

Neither of these calls looks as though it's passing array references in, but because of the prototype, they are. The compiler adds the backslashes for you. This can be annoying when one of the elements isn't a literal array. For example, under the prototype, this call is technically illegal, even though it would appear fine:

    @c = add_vecpair(@a, [ values %hash ]);   # prototype conflict      

This is where you find yourself fighting with the fastidious prototype. Here's how to make it shut up:

    @c = add_vecpair(@a, @{ [ values %hash ] } );       

This is the same kind of thing you have to do when you use a prototyped built-in in ways it's not expecting. For example,

    if ($x > 10) {
        push @a, $value;
    } else {
        push @b, $value;

That cannot be written as

    push $x > 10 ? @a : @b , $value;

It instead requires a rather less obvious indirect approach. The extra backslash and ``@{}'' dereferencing are there to keep the push() function's formal prototype from complaining unnecessarily.

    push @{ $x > 10 ? \@a : \@b }, $value;

If the function in question is user-defined instead of built-in, you can disable the compiler's meddlesome prototype checking just by prefixing the function call with an ampersand. You'll just have to make sure the types on the call are right yourself then. For example:

    @c = &add_vecpair(\@a, [ values %hash ]);   # `&' ignores prototype

If the preceding sequence isn't enough to convince you to avoid prototypes in most if not all situations, think about this: by enforcing prototypes, you've broken the beautiful model of functions built to take or return any number of arguments. It would have been more robust to have written the function to accept any number of array references, and sum up the corresponding elements of each. The extra backslash and ``@{}'' dereferencing are there to keep the persnickety prototype checks from carping unnecessarily. But what will you do without prototypes? You'll just have to make sure the types on the call are right yourself then, just as you always have.

For example:

    sub add_vecs {
        my($vec, @result);
        foreach $vec (@_) {
            for (my $i = 0; $i < @$vec; $i++) {
                $result[$i] += $vec->[$i]
        return @result;
    @sumvec = add_vecs  \@a, \@b, \@c, \@d;
    @sumvec = add_vecs \(@a,  @b,  @c,  @d);   # same thing

Now you can pass in \@foo, [ whatever ], or $aref, where that scalar variable contains a reference to an array. What happens if you pass in the wrong thing? You take an exception at run time. But this is the same situation if you were forced to pass in @$aref instead under a prototype.

Appraising Prototypes

So, have Perl's ``prototypes'' worked out ok? If the goal is to provide something like what other languages call prototypes, something to let the compiler catch errors of type and number occurring in calls to subroutines, then the answer is certainly that they have not.

Of course, you could try to argue that that's not a fair question, since ``prototypes'' were really supposed to be context coercion templates, something to let you emulate a built-in function. This dodges the fact that Perl's ``prototypes'' violate the principle of least surprise, but so be it. Even in this limited capacity, their success has been no more than limited.

That's because there are still a lot of built-in functions that cannot be emulated, even given prototypes. There are odd-ball functions, like defined() and exists() and undef(), all of which impose a type of context on their arguments that you cannot begin to emulate with existing Perl ``prototypes''. You also cannot use these to prototype new pseudo-quoting functions like m//, s///, tr///, y///, q//, qq//, qx//, qw//, and qr//.

Of greater importance are the functions that you cannot use Perl to prototype, because they include indirect objects in their signatures. sprint() and printf() are a bit annoying, although not for just the insurmountable reason. For example, consider this famous pair's true prototype definitions from

    sprintf       sprintf        ck_fun_locale   mfst@   S L
    prtf          printf         ck_listiob      ims@    F? L

The first nastiness is that while

    printf @args

is ok, that

    sprintf @args

is not. Why? Because the sprintf() function has the compiler enforcing a scalar context, so it gets passed the number of elements in @args as the format, leaving the list empty. But printf() doesn't do that. It takes the format from the first element of the list.

In the case of printf(), the compiler is busy doing something else, anyway. It's considering whether you supplied the optional filehandle. You can in theory (modulo bugs) specify a filehandle in a ``prototype'' (or at least a typeglob) using the ``*'' symbol. And you can also specify optional trailing arguments. But you cannot specify an optional leading argument, the way print(), printf(), sort(), system(), and exec() all tolerate.

Even if an optional leading argument were permitted, this would just increase the potential for confusion. That's because this comma-less argument is really the one that falls in the indirect object slot. Indirect objects are pretty wicked. They are restricted to BAREWORDS, unsubscripted scalar variables, or {BLOCKS}. That's why you can't say:

    printf $FH{$some_name} $some_fmt, @some_data;

And no, the bloated and silly IO::Handle module doesn't ``fix'' this in any way.

If you encourage a prototype for the indirect object, you'll get more people who will be writing code that uses indirect objects, and more people whom this will confuse. And let's not even begin to talk about the problems of stacking indirect object calls. It's not a pretty picture.


In summary, it should be no surprise to you who've read this complete note that I myself do not use prototypes. I hope that now you'll realize why.

A larger and more pressing question is whether we should create named parameters. That is, something like

    sub func ($this, $that) { ... }

or perhaps even

    sub func (@these, @those) { ... }

or more likely

    sub func (\@these, \@those) { ... }

My conclusion is that just adding names to Perl's existing ``prototypes'', which are really mostly just parameter context templates for implicit coercions, would be a mistake. It would encourage the use of something that's extremely confusing at best, and at worst, fundamentally broken by design. This document is really called Prototypes Considered Harmful, but I don't think you would have believed me if I had said that right at the start.


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Re: Far More than Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know about Prototypes in Perl -- by Tom Christiansen
by eyepopslikeamosquito (Archbishop) on Sep 26, 2010 at 00:59 UTC

    While an excellent article, I've found that it's too long and detailed for my Perl workmates (who are mostly proficient C++ programmers but only occasional Perl programmers). I point them instead at the shorter item in Chapter 9, "Subroutines" of Perl Best Practices entitled "Don't use subroutine prototypes". They normally read that item quite quickly and then (happily) stop writing Perl as if it was C. :)

      Please make sure to also point them at the bit near the beginning of the book that says that everything in it is only a guideline, and should be ignored if you know better.

        Whether I point that out to them depends on their Perl skills and their personality. I doubt that an (argumentative) Perl newbie is likely to "know better" than Tom Christiansen and Damian Conway on the complex issue of Perl prototypes.

        Unfortunately, as Beth once noted:

        In the late 1990's Justin Kruger and David Dunning did a series of studies demonstrating that the less skillful had a tendency to overrate their abilities and fail to recognize expertise in others.
        And I really don't want to encourage debate with people like this. :)

        Update: The wayback machine url for this historic argumentative bulletin board exchange seems to intermittently fail, so I'll embed bk's famous quote here. This classic quote, the inspiration for Acme::USIG, is from "bk" to davorg after davorg had the temerity to suggest that starting Perl scripts with use strict was a good idea:

        No,but its true-- strict really does suck. I hate it. Its gay. Dont tell me ehat to do. And nobody wants your to be back, either.

      Surely you occasionally land a fish worthy of deeper recommendations once they inquire?


        Yes, and accordingly I thank liverpole for re-posting this excellent and historic tchrist article.

        Maybe I've become worn down by the relentless drive to "get it done fast, no time for reading" mentality that seems to be becoming more commonplace nowadays. People asking where is the "business value" in mastering Perl subtleties and intricacies in depth. Sadly, it is only rarely I come across a youngster with enough passion to read the tchrist article above. It happened just the other day though, with a new graduate. :)

Re: Far More than Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know about Prototypes in Perl -- by Tom Christiansen
by shmem (Chancellor) on Sep 25, 2010 at 19:42 UTC

    Thanks for that, liverpole. I keep a copy on my hard disk, but...

    This piece should really have been included into the FMTEYEWTK compilation - or wherever appropriate - on long ago. IIRC the FMTEYEWTK compilation is authored by Tom Christiansen, so I wonder why this particularly enlightening writing isn't included.

    update: it looks like the ftp site is empty now. Tom Christiansens compilation can be found, at the moment (2011-05-27), at Thanks for the hint, kennethk.

Re: Far More than Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know about Prototypes in Perl -- by Tom Christiansen
by grantm (Parson) on Sep 26, 2010 at 20:35 UTC
Re: Far More than Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know about Prototypes in Perl -- by Tom Christiansen
by perl-diddler (Chaplain) on Sep 27, 2010 at 19:40 UTC
    I still like prototypes and wish they could be enforced (or generate a warning) at runtime, when used incorrectly, indirectly. I see that as the biggest limitation of the current implementation of 'parsing prototypes' -- that they are only enforced or only used during direct calls.

    Everything else that the author complained about was a non-complaint *if* you follow the 1st 'best practice' (In my book) of turning on "-w" at the start.

    All of the multi-prototypes like he shows would generate warnings. The only prototype 'gotcha', that really exists with the current prototype system -- that *could* be improved upon, with a language extension, is the situation of declaring a proto with sub foobar($); and then calling it with foo(@a) and expecting that to throw an error rather than evaluating the array in scalar context.

    An additional warning could be added with some additional warning level (Warn-pedantic), to warn of implicit type conversions where a prototype was involved. You couldn't reasonably warn of implicit type conversions everywhere without alot of code rewrite, so turning on warning only for explicitly prototyped functions might be a reasonable 'by-request' addition to warnings.

    Ideally, one might add an explicit type-cast operator syntax -- an extension of the 'wantarray' "question" operator -- where instead of just asking if an array is wanted in the return context, have some variation of wantarray that forces array interpretation instead of scalar.

    I ran into a desire for this recently, where I had an array reference in a variable, but when I tried to use it with some operator that expected an array, it wouldn't work -- only by assigning it to an array first, would it work as I needed it to. But more important would be the ability to say 'want type (X)', before a var -- that way if one DID have warnings for prototypes that do implicit conversions, one could add the typecast to make the conversion explicit and eliminate the warning, like:

    sub foobar($); foobar(($)@arr);
    meaning a syntax that explicitly uses '@arr' in a scalar context so IF a warning for 'implicit conversions' with explicitly prototyped functions doing an implicit conversion was enabled, the warning could be silenced.

    Similarly a warning could be made 'available' for assigning diverse types to a data structure or variable -- something that currently is allowed with no warning (it's a feature!) within a variable's scope -- like:

    use warnings '+mixedtypes'; @a=(1,2); @b=(@a, [3,4]); #would give warning!
    That would require clarification of lines like the assignment to @b. Did they really want @b to contain 3 elements, 2 scalars and a reference, or did they want @b to contain 2 references? Or inconsistent usages like:
    use warnings '+mixedtypes'; @a=(1,2); $a[1]=[3,4]; #warning - mixed type assigned to @a $a[1]=($)[3,4]; #would store the ref into a scalar-typed target witho +ut warning
    The would certainly be for use with a particular type of coding practice, but one that would allow for only strictly typed-check usage.

    Maybe it's not practical for some reason, but if it were, I could see it being useful for a more careful, more verbose style of programming -- perhaps it's already been done in some module?

      the situation of declaring a proto with sub foobar($); and then calling it with foo(@a) and expecting that to throw an error rather than evaluating the array in scalar context.

      I'd argue that the more common expectation is that this should just use the first element of @a, which is what would happen if there was no prototype.

      Which is what I've seen often quoted as the biggest problem with perl prototypes; instead of enforcing subroutine arguments, it changes the way arguments are parsed.

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