in reply to Converting HTML to txt with HTML::Strip

This uses HTML::TokeParser::Simple (there are many other parsers) and may help get you started. It preserves your <BRK> 'tags', is that what you were after?
#! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use HTML::Entities; use HTML::TokeParser::Simple; my $p = HTML::TokeParser::Simple->new( q{monk.html}, ) or die qq{cant parse HTML}; open my $fh_out, q{>:utf8}, q{out.txt} or die qq{cant open file to write}; while (my $t = $p->get_token){ if ($t->is_end_tag(q{p}) or $t->is_tag(q{br})){ print $fh_out qq{\n}; } elsif ($t->is_text){ my $out = $t->as_is; for ($out){ s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; } next unless $out; print $fh_out decode_entities($out); } }
output (long lines snipped)
JACOBS F&#336;TANÁCSNOK INDÍTVÁNYA<BRK> Az ismertetés napja: 2005. november 17.1(1) C&#8209;371/03. sz. ügy Siegfried Aulinger<BRK> kontra<this should be left in> Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1.<BRK>        Ebben az ügyben az... Európai Gazdasági Közösség közötti... az embargóról szóló rendelet)(2)...
Some numeric entities appear here (in the browser), e.g. &#336;, these aren't in the file.