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Re^5: Finding All Paths From a Graph From a Given Source and End Node

by Limbic~Region (Chancellor)
on Oct 29, 2010 at 01:04 UTC ( [id://868195]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^4: Finding All Paths From a Graph From a Given Source and End Node
in thread Finding All Paths From a Graph From a Given Source and End Node

As I indicated before, certain graphs, order of traversal and endpoints will determine how well the short circuiting approach fairs. I have asked for advice concerning this at Short Circuiting DFS Graph Traversal. My fastest normal solution is below.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my %graph = ( R => [qw/L J Z/], L => [qw/R J X/], J => [qw/R L X Z/], Z => [qw/R + J X/], X => [qw/L J Z F D/], F => [qw/X D/], D => [qw/Q F X/], Q => [qw/B U D/], B => [qw/Q + P M/], P => [qw/B U/], U => [qw/Q P S/], M => [qw/B S/], S => [qw/U M/], ); my $n; my %node_to_int = map {$_ => $n++} keys %graph; my $routes = find_paths('D', 'M', \%graph); print "$_\n" for @$routes; sub find_paths { my ($beg, $end, $graph) = @_; my (@work, @solution); for (@{$graph->{$beg}}) { if ($_ eq $end) { push @solution, "$beg->$end"; next; } my $seen = ''; vec($seen, $node_to_int{$_}, 1) = 1; vec($seen, $node_to_int{$beg}, 1) = 1; push @work, ["$beg->$_", $_, $seen]; } while (@work) { my $item = pop @work; my ($path, $curr, $seen) = @$item; for my $node (@{$graph->{$curr}}) { my $bit = $node_to_int{$node}; next if vec($seen, $bit, 1); if ($node eq $end) { push @solution, "$path->$end"; next; } my $new_seen = $seen; vec($new_seen, $bit, 1) = 1; push @work, ["$path->$node", $node, $new_seen]; } } return \@solution; }

Cheers - L~R

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Re^6: Finding All Paths From a Graph From a Given Source and End Node
by neversaint (Deacon) on Nov 01, 2010 at 04:59 UTC
    Dear Limbic,
    I tried the following graph and predertimined start and position in code below. But why It gives empty result? Please refer to the visualization of the graph here ( .
    my %graph2 = ( 'read145404_1' => [ 'read231054_2', 'read250449_2' ], 'read250449_2' => [ 'read359463_1', 'read691358_1', 'read937013_1' ], 'read231054_2' => [ 'read691358_1', 'read359463_1', 'read937013_1' ] ); my $routes = find_paths('read145404_1', 'read691358_1', \%graph2); sub find_paths { my ($beg, $end, $graph) = @_; my $n; my %node_to_int = map {$_ => $n++} keys %graph; my (@work, @solution); for (@{$graph->{$beg}}) { if ($_ eq $end) { push @solution, "$beg->$end"; next; } my $seen = ''; vec($seen, $node_to_int{$_}, 1) = 1; vec($seen, $node_to_int{$beg}, 1) = 1; push @work, ["$beg->$_", $_, $seen]; } while (@work) { my $item = pop @work; my ($path, $curr, $seen) = @$item; for my $node (@{$graph->{$curr}}) { my $bit = $node_to_int{$node}; next if vec($seen, $bit, 1); if ($node eq $end) { push @solution, "$path $end"; next; } my $new_seen = $seen; vec($new_seen, $bit, 1) = 1; push @work, ["$path->$node", $node, $new_seen]; } } # Return print Dumper \@solution; return \@solution; }

    neversaint and everlastingly indebted.......
      The problem was that the %node_to_int lookup assumed all possible nodes would also be keys in graph. One way to fix it would be to have nodes that don't connect anywhere as node => [] (empty array ref). I chose to provide a solution below that doesn't require the user to type more than is necessary when building the graph.

      Cheers - L~R

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