lomSpace has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I need to count elements within every 100k range along a chromosome. I understand
how to parse the file and get the columns that I want to work on. What I don't get
is how to count each numeric value that falls in each 100k range. Each value in column
two represents is to be counted within a 100k range. Then I repeat this until I have recorded
the number of values in column two per 100k range.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w # examine the value. When the value reaches 100k # print out the count of the word "gene" in the keys for 1..100k range +. # Then increment and perform the same operation for the range 101k..20 +0k. # Do this until you reach the final 100k increment. use strict; #Open the file. Use indexes 2 and 4. open( my $in, "chr8.txt" ); open( my $out, ">/Users/mgavibrathwaite/Desktop/genecoord.txt"); my %genes_per_100k; while(<DATA>) { next if /\#\#.+/; chomp; my @fields = split /\t/; my ($genes,$gene_end) = ($fields[2], $fields[4]); #print $out "$genes\t$gene_end\n"; #=cut if($genes =~ /gene/){ print $out "$genes\t$gene_end\n"; #$genes_per_100k{$gene_end}; } } close($in); close($out); __DATA__ gene 3936 gene 7591 gene 13082 gene 23200 gene 32518 gene 45123 gene 57330 gene 62384 gene 66839 gene 71715 gene 83427 gene 90948 gene 87510 gene 96042 gene 106380 gene 108247 gene 109395 gene 120121 gene 138410 gene 143225 gene 147455 gene 152452 gene 155580 gene 158939 gene 163483 gene 167583 gene 178450 gene 181546 gene 184301 gene 193505 gene 190880 gene 199431 gene 202844