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Re^13: What is "aggressive" argument?

by IBlowGoatsSucker (Beadle)
on Nov 06, 2010 at 08:49 UTC ( [id://869802]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^12: What is "aggressive" argument?
in thread What is "aggressive" argument?

Your are truly the master of the smarts, I bowe to your wisdom. Let us tango this thread till the depth singularity take us, what say you?

Trolls don't contribute--I do.

Your contribution to the spirit and knowledge of perlmonk in this thread has been a joy to behold. As well as that other thread, you tried harder there, but it didn't work out so well. You are the most valuable contributor in whole of perlmonk since your idol left us.

Come to think of it, he hasn't done much of that lately either.

The best thing about you are your brilliant conclusions. Who is the Watson to your Sherlock?

Please write again, I love this talk!

TrollTroller Rex Imperator

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^14: What is "aggressive" argument?
by BrowserUk (Patriarch) on Nov 06, 2010 at 09:46 UTC
    Let us tango this thread till the depth singularity take us, what say you?

    Sure thing. You being (the other) you, you'd obviously know what's good for the "spirit and knowledge of perlmonk".

    You know, I think I prefer this you. When you're not hampered by the need to protect your 'rep', your true colors shine.

      I like you too! You are now my best favouritest monk, since your idol has moved on to family life (I hear he has two lambs already and his ewe is pregnant again). I am sure you will follow in his footsteps there sometime too, but now it is good you are here and contribute! We would not know what to do without the proselytizing of Windows, threads and other cutting-edge technology.

      We are pals now, and I have to tell you something in earnest. "I prefer this you" is not good English, it should be "I prefer this to you" or "I prefer you to this". I am sure you mean the second. And I prefer you to.

      I look forward to your reply, and remain, yours truly,

      TrollTroller Imperator Rex
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