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Memory Leak when slurping files in a loop

by rizzy (Sexton)
on Dec 07, 2010 at 03:56 UTC ( [id://875723]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

rizzy has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I've been slurping text files into a string using a loop and parsing the text, but I noticed that the memory in windows is always as large as the largest file that has been slurped (i.e., it never drops back down) even if I undefine the string each loop. Is this a problem with windows, or is there a way to resolve this in perl? A (rare) few of the files are 100K+ so this causes problems. I've simplified to code and even in this simple case, the effect is there:

#!C:/Perl/bin -w use File::Listing qw(parse_dir); my $dir='c:/mydir/'; #open the directory and get filenames; opendir(TEMP, $dir) || die("Cannot open directory"); @thefiles= readdir(TEMP); closedir(TEMP); $maxsize=0; #cycle through each of the files; foreach $file (@thefiles) { unless ( ($file eq ".") || ($file eq "..") ) { $filesize = -s $dir.$file; if ($filesize > $maxsize){$maxsize=$filesize} print "$file - $maxsize - $filesize\n"; my $html=''; $slurpfile=$dir.$file; open( my $fh, $slurpfile ) or die "couldn't open\n"; my $html = do { local( $/ ) ; <$fh> } ; undef $html; } }
Basically, I open up the directory and get a list of every file in the directory. Next, each file is individually opened and passed as a string to $html. I immediately undefine the string and repeat the loop. I can't understand why the memory isn't freed up. It should actually be freed up in 3 places each loop, shouldn't it? (1) when I define $html as '' (2) when I slurp the contents of the next file to $html and (3) when I undefine $html.

As it cycles through the thousands of files, I can watch the running maximum filesize and the memory allocated to perl increase in tandem.

I need to slurp the file for various reasons. I wouldn't mind this leak, but I have to do millions of files and it slows things down considerably. Any suggestions?

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Memory Leak when slurping files in a loop (sliding window explained)
by LanX (Saint) on Dec 07, 2010 at 11:16 UTC
    Why don't you use the sliding window technique already discussed?
    window |------[++++++|++++++]------|------|---| file A B C D E F blocks <-----> match

    If you don't destroy/recreate the variables but just change the content, your memory consumption will¹ be minimal.

    seek and read help reading chunks of data from files.

    substr manipulates the content of strings.

    pos returns the position of your last regex match.

    So only one global variable $window of fixed size holding two current blocks could do and whenever the pos of a match leaves the first block you have to shift a new block into $window.

    Cheers Rolf

    ¹) well, as long as Perl doesn't do very (unlikely) weird speed optimizations.


    This code is an almost perfect example of what I meant: Matching in huge files

    The differences are the temporary variable $block which could be optimized away and the handling of pos. Instead of adjusting the window at "halftime", pos is adjusted to the window. Actually I think this is even smarter than what I planed...

      By the way, kudos on your footnotes/graphic i your posts. Very helfpul!
      Rolf, I am planning on doing as you suggested. In the meantime (as I'm running some of the code) I thought there might be a very simple fix. Thanks!
Re: Memory Leak when slurping files in a loop
by ww (Archbishop) on Dec 07, 2010 at 04:36 UTC
    Perl frees memory for its own reuse... but does NOT return memory to the OS (until execution ends).
Re: Memory Leak when slurping files in a loop
by Anonymous Monk on Dec 07, 2010 at 04:24 UTC
    It would help if it compiled under strictures.

    Maybe something simpler would work.

    #!perl use strict; use warnings; use autodie; # chdir and open die on error use File::DosGlob 'glob'; # DOS-style wildcards use File::Slurp 'slurp'; my $dir = 'c:/mydir/'; my $maxsize = 0; chdir $dir; for my $file (glob('*')) { # check size my $size = -s $file; $maxsize = $size if $size > $maxsize; print "$_: $size\n"; # get contents my @lines = slurp $_; # one string per line #my $lines = slurp $_; # only one string # manipulate contents #... } # report print "\n\nmax file size: $maxsize\n";

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