Line-at-a-time, default layers 100.0 MB in 12.012 sec, 8.3 MB/sec Line-at-a-time, :raw:perlio 100.0 MB in 1.837 sec, 54.4 MB/sec Line-at-a-time, :raw:perlio:utf8 100.0 MB in 2.021 sec, 49.5 MB/sec Line-at-a-time, :win32:perlio 100.0 MB in 1.805 sec, 55.4 MB/sec Slurp-into-scalar, default layers 100.0 MB in 0.182 sec, 550.1 MB/sec Slurp-into-scalar, :raw:perlio 100.0 MB in 0.065 sec, 1548.0 MB/sec Slurp-into-scalar, :raw:perlio:utf8 100000000 on disk, 99999476 in memory 100.0 MB in 0.129 sec, 778.1 MB/sec Slurp into scalar with sysopen/sysread (single read) 100.0 MB in 0.034 sec, 2976.2 MB/sec #### #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Fcntl qw(); use Time::HiRes qw(); my $testfile = shift or die "Specify a test file"; die "$testfile doesn't exist" unless -f $testfile; my @benchmarks = ( \&bench1_native, # \&bench1_raw, # \&bench1_mmap, \&bench1_raw_perlio, \&bench1_raw_perlio_utf8, \&bench1_win32, \&bench2_native, \&bench2_raw_perlio, \&bench2_raw_perlio_utf8, \&bench3 ); foreach my $bench (@benchmarks) { my ($secs, $bytes, $lines) = $bench->($testfile); my $mb = $bytes / 1_000_000; print sprintf(" %.1f MB in %.3f sec, %.1f MB/sec\n", $mb, $secs, $mb / $secs); print sprintf(" %1.fK lines, %.2f KL/sec\n", $lines / 1_000, ($lines / 1_000) / $secs) if defined($lines); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read a line at a time with sub bench1_native { return bench1_common(@_, "Line-at-a-time, default layers", "<"); } sub bench1_raw { return bench1_common(@_, "Line-at-a-time, :raw", "<:raw"); } sub bench1_mmap { return bench1_common(@_, "Line-at-a-time, :raw:mmap", "<:raw:mmap"); } sub bench1_raw_perlio { return bench1_common(@_, "Line-at-a-time, :raw:perlio", "<:raw:perlio"); } sub bench1_raw_perlio_utf8 { return bench1_common(@_, "Line-at-a-time, :raw:perlio:utf8", "<:raw:perlio:utf8"); } sub bench1_win32 { return bench1_common(@_, "Line-at-a-time, :win32:perlio", "<:win32:perlio"); } sub bench1_common { my ($file, $prompt, $discipline) = @_; print "\n$prompt\n"; open(my $fh, $discipline, $file) or die; my $size = -s $fh; # my $lines = 0; my $bytes = 0; my $start_time = Time::HiRes::time(); while (<$fh>) { use bytes; # $lines += 1; $bytes += length($_); } my $end_time = Time::HiRes::time(); close($fh); print " $size on disk, $bytes in memory\n" if $bytes != $size; my $secs = $end_time - $start_time; # return ($secs, $size, $lines); return ($secs, $size); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ sub bench2_native { return bench2_common(@_, "Slurp-into-scalar, default layers", "<"); } sub bench2_raw_perlio { return bench2_common(@_, "Slurp-into-scalar, :raw:perlio", "<:raw:perlio"); } sub bench2_raw_perlio_utf8 { return bench2_common(@_, "Slurp-into-scalar, :raw:perlio:utf8", "<:raw:perlio:utf8"); } # Read whole file with sub bench2_common { my ($file, $prompt, $discipline) = @_; print "\n$prompt\n"; open(my $fh, $discipline, $file) or die; my $size = -s $fh; local $/ = undef; my $buf = ""; vec($buf, $size, 8) = 0; my $start_time = Time::HiRes::time(); $buf = <$fh>; my $end_time = Time::HiRes::time(); close($fh); my $bufsize = length($buf); # die "file is $size but got $bufsize" unless $bufsize == $size; print " $size on disk, $bufsize in memory\n" if $bufsize != $size; my $secs = $end_time - $start_time; return ($secs, $size); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read whole file with sysopen/sysread sub bench3 { my ($file) = @_; print "\n"; print "Slurp into scalar with sysopen/sysread (single read)\n"; sysopen(my $fh, $file, Fcntl::O_RDONLY | Fcntl::O_BINARY) or die; my $size = -s $fh; local $/ = undef; my $buf = ""; vec($buf, $size, 8) = 0; my $start_time = Time::HiRes::time(); my $count = sysread($fh, $buf, $size); my $end_time = Time::HiRes::time(); die "read error: $!" unless defined($count) && $count == $size; close($fh); my $bufsize = length($buf); die "file is $size but got $bufsize" unless $bufsize == $size; my $secs = $end_time - $start_time; return ($secs, $size); }