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A DNS screwup by me (and A new webserver machine soon in the rotation)by Co-Rion (Monk) |
on Jan 08, 2011 at 19:01 UTC ( [id://881259]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Thanks to Ask Bjoern Hansen, one of the Perl NOC operators, a third webserver machine will hopefully soon join the DNS rotation for Perlmonks. Unfortunately, I didn't think the changeover through far enough, and told Ask the wrong IP address to add to the DNS. While the machine has been serving the Perlmonks website for a long time already, it did so under an Apache setup of http://hostname.pair.com/~user/index.pl. The change of also pointing perlmonks.org (and the other domains) to that IP address will not do The Right Thing, as Pair, the hosting company that graciously hosts Perlmonks for us, gives all domains on every machine a separate IP address. Ask will remove the third address from DNS again, but for the time being, your access to Perlmonks may end up at the right machine, but the wrong webserver process, showing you a Pair banner instead, like http://qs1969.pair.com does. As a workaround until the DNS is cleaned up again, http://qs1969.pair.com/~perl2/ brings you to a Perlmonks website already and at least for the time until that machine also comes under the perlmonks.org DNS umbrella. You can also update your DNS locally by editing /etc/hosts, as I should have done to test the change locally before rolling it out. The three current IP addresses are
I'll be working with Pair to get the final setup done so we can have the beefier machine available by default. Update: Pair has quickly set up the new IP address. The DNS changes will take some time to propagate though. The new, third, Perlmonks IP address will be So ideally, within a short time, the correct IP addresses for Perlmonks will be
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