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Re^2: binary parsing

by biohisham (Priest)
on Jan 30, 2011 at 03:43 UTC ( [id://885094]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: binary parsing
in thread binary parsing

It seems that the output is different on an Win32 XP system...
perl -le"print length unpack "A", "\n";" 1
Could you please direct me in which side of the documentation neighborhood that this is reported ?

Excellence is an Endeavor of Persistence. A Year-Old Monk :D .

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Re^3: binary parsing
by ikegami (Patriarch) on Jan 30, 2011 at 04:44 UTC

    Your quoting is broken. You are doing

    >perl -le"print length unpack 'A', \'n';" 1

    which is the same as

    >perl -le"print length unpack 'A', 'S';" 1

    If you fix the quoting, you get the correct result.

    >perl -le"print length unpack 'A', qq{\n};" 0

    pack says "When unpacking, «A» strips trailing whitespace and nulls".

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