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Re^5: Confusing UTF-8 bug in CGI-script

by Anonyrnous Monk (Hermit)
on Feb 01, 2011 at 19:25 UTC ( [id://885603]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^4: Confusing UTF-8 bug in CGI-script
in thread Confusing UTF-8 bug in CGI-script

How can you say that? You said yourself...

If you re-read carefully what I said, you'll see that I said the script works both as is and when I remove those use statements (except for the special case I mentioned in the correction).

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Re^6: Confusing UTF-8 bug in CGI-script
by ikegami (Patriarch) on Feb 01, 2011 at 20:15 UTC

    ok, I follow.

    Note that even if it seems to work, that doesn't make what you say correct. Depending on how the client encodes the request, the OP's code will work. That doesn't make it right.

    I suspect one of two reasons for the differences:

    • Your client encoded the request such that the initial decoding is a no-op (e.g. it %-encodes every byte with the 8th bit set). You won't be so lucky with a different client.

    • Maybe your version of decode silently does nothing (instead of dieing) when it guesses a double-decode is being attempted. If so, that will make the OP's code work for all but unlikely inputs. But that means you're relying on decode to catch your bug.

    Update: Cleaned up. Replaced first paragraph. (It was "Gotcha.", which is ambiguous.)

      I suspect one of two reasons for the differences: ...

      Neither of those is the case.

      I've verified (by sending the request through a proxy) that the content is sent UTF-8 encoded (i.e. no %-encoding).  And my Encode::decode also behaves normally (i.e. it would die with "Cannot decode string with wide characters").  This is, however, irrelevant, because has code to prevent double-decoding:

      sub _decode_utf8 { my ($self, $val) = @_; if (Encode::is_utf8($val)) { return $val; } else { return Encode::decode(utf8 => $val); } }

      This sufficiently explains the behavior I observed and reported (for the input side).

        Well, it's pretty damn close. I said

        Maybe your version of decode

        I should have said

        Maybe your version of the decoder

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