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Re: Link Net::SSLeay to custom-built OpenSSL

by Anonyrnous Monk (Hermit)
on Feb 04, 2011 at 16:42 UTC ( [id://886248]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Link Net::SSLeay to custom-built OpenSSL

LD_RUN_PATH="/dsk01/apache/app/build2064/openssl-0.9.8p/lib:/usr/lib" +...

You might want to check:

(a) if your does in fact live in the above RUNPATH .../openssl-0.9.8p/lib,  and (b) if that path is actually being written to Check RUNPATH/RPATH settings with

$ dump -Lv .../

The theory is that the linker (ld) puts the lib search path(s) into the .so (or binary), and the dynamic linker ( then picks it up from there...

(See also LD_RUN_PATH, and the option -R, in the ld man page.)

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Re^2: Link Net::SSLeay to custom-built OpenSSL
by RachunZero (Novice) on Feb 04, 2011 at 17:49 UTC

    Oh. That's it. Thanks!

    I forgot that the gcc packaged in Solaris 10 doesn't do runpaths properly using the environment variable. It's only got /usr/sfw/lib showing in the runpath header.

    If I want a proper runpath, I have to explicitly pass it in -R parameters to gcc.

    Hmmm... I wonder what I do now. Can I change the gcc options? Makefile.PL seems to ignore LDFLAGS.

      Can I change the gcc options? Makefile.PL seems to ignore LDFLAGS.

      IIRC, you can say

      dynamic_lib => { OTHERLDFLAGS => '-R...' }


        Thanks again :-) My lazy secular nature made me do:
        mv Makefile Makefile.tmp nawk -v d=$OPENSSL_DIR ' /OTHERLDFLAGS =/ { print $0" -R "d"/lib" } ! +/OTHERLDFLAGS =/ { print $0 }' Makefile.tmp > Makefile

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