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Translational fun, was: What Perlish name to assign to my baby girl?

by Tiefling (Monk)
on Jun 15, 2001 at 16:58 UTC ( [id://88776]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: Re: What Perlish name to assign to my baby girl?
in thread What Perlish name to assign to my baby girl?

Heh. Casting your Bible before Babelfish is always fun. I once tried it with Revelation 6, and found that 'I looked, and behold..' came back from Spanish as 'The mountain range, and behold..'. Despite French having a perfectly good word 'voilà', 'behold' became 'le behold' and thus 'the behold' when back in English.

People put far too much faith in computers when it comes to human languages. Someone wrote to a national newspaper's computer help column recently wanting a program that would render his English into good Russian to send to a Ukrainian pen-pal, and vice versa. The responses were, thankfully, polite but accurate.

And as for naming the baby girl? How about Penelope Eleanor Rebecca Lester? (Quinn is a boy's name, isn't it? Short for Quintus, as in Q. Horatius Flaccus eq Horace?)

Enough wittering from me,


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