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Re: How can i print to my outfile handle?

by broomduster (Priest)
on Feb 20, 2011 at 23:31 UTC ( [id://889268]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to How can i print to my outfile handle?

I keep getting the error that my filehandle is closed.
If I may be so bold.... The errors you should be getting from your posted code look like this:
No such class OUT at pm-889248 line 5, near "open(my OUT" syntax error at pm-889248 line 5, near "my OUT," No such class IN at pm-889248 line 6, near "open(my IN" syntax error at pm-889248 line 6, near "my IN,"
Note that these are not errors about closed file handles. Now, I humbly suggest that you follow the advice given by Corion and umasuresh and (re?)read the documentation they point you to.

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