in reply to New to perl
All these 14 Q's are from my last year exam paper i took from library and i am trying to solve themThank you for frankly explaining where these questions are coming from. Rather than explicitly answering them, I will give some quick pointers into the docs. Some of these questions are unclear to me; whether that is a problem with your transcription or the original, I cannot say.
- Describe the main features of perl .What are its characteristics which makes it suitable for Bioinformatics
- What is a file handle ? How they are similar to streams
- What are scalar variables ?Discuss various types of variables used in perl with examples.
- Describe named Unary and file operators with examples.
- Write a perl program that asks the user to enter a name and a number n and prints the nth letter in the name.
Hint: substr
- what are global and scoped declarations in perl ? Write perl script to explain the same .
- How we do loop control with next last and redo ? Where we should use them and where not ?
Loop Control in perlsyn, redo, last, next
- What are regular expressions ? Explain in detail its most important elements ?
- Write a perl program which takes file name as arguments and counts lines in file with (a) Letter X (b) String the
Everything you need is in the above links
- What are subroutines ? How it differs from a procedure ? Explain with example how parameters are passed in subroutines.
- Write a perl program which reads a file into a hash array.
Everything you need is in the above links
- Write a perl script which compares and concatenates two strings.
Everything you need is in the above links
- What for formats are used in perl ? How we can access formatting internals ?
I do not know what this means; do they mean perlguts or perhaps sprintf? Maybe IO Layers?
- What are hashes ? Describe all functions relevant to hashes.
If you are preparing for a test, where you found an old test in the library, your new test will likely not have the same questions on it; by gaining familiarity with the Perl documentation, you will prepare yourself for the next test, not the previous one.
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Re^2: New to perl
by ELISHEVA (Prior) on Mar 14, 2011 at 20:45 UTC | |
by ikegami (Patriarch) on Mar 14, 2011 at 20:54 UTC | |
by Monk_perl (Initiate) on Mar 15, 2011 at 19:25 UTC | |
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