in reply to New to perl

I don't believe your story, either about taking this exam paper from a library, or that you have tried in any way to solve them. If you had done so, you'd have posted your answers here asking us to comment on them.

I suspect you are either being given this task as coursework/homework that you've not bothered to do, or that this is part of an interview scenario which I know for a fact some companies issue. I've seen posts on various forums from people asking for the answers to such interview questions posed by multinational outsourcing companies.

If you take short cuts like this with your education or to gain employment, not only do you learn nothing you'll potentially put yourself under a lot of pressure. Do yourself a favor, either go learn this stuff or don't bother. You've previously been advised how to get started in your previous thread.

Update:Also read How do I compose an effective node title? and How do I post a question effectively?.

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Re^2: New to perl
by Monk_perl (Initiate) on Mar 15, 2011 at 19:40 UTC

    I wrote these questions from my library wherefrom the book titled previous year question papers i picked and noted these questions. So i take it as model question paper for my exam preparation. I didn't tried to solve them because i have difficulty concluding the answers ...i have not studied perl so it may take time for me to solve them so i took shortcut here.well i am studying them now and i would show you answers to have them checked from you Friends!