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Re^2: An index to The Perl Journal articles on Dr. Dobbs

by Anonymous Monk
on Jun 20, 2011 at 06:35 UTC ( [id://910504]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: An index to The Perl Journal articles on Dr. Dobbs
in thread An index to The Perl Journal articles on Dr. Dobbs

i couldnt get the pages by following your links on this page. how can i get them?
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Re^3: An index to The Perl Journal articles on Dr. Dobbs
by Anonymous Monk on Jun 20, 2011 at 09:34 UTC
    i couldnt get the pages by following your links on this page. how can i get them?

    Well, at least half of them work, the ones using / or /web-development/

    The non working ones use /web_development/

    You can remove "/web_development" or that part, or change it to /web-development.

      I rue the day I tossed my hard copies of TPJ due to moving to another continent. I still have Issue 1, Volume 1 in hard copy for the sake of posterity. Even today, Larry Wall's article The Psychology of Perl is still germane and funny to read.

      I would be wonderful if they were all made available on CDROM for purchase.

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