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Re^3: metacpan link shortcut? (both)

by tye (Sage)
on Jul 12, 2011 at 19:13 UTC ( [id://913993]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: metacpan link shortcut?
in thread metacpan link shortcut?

Yeah, is quite terrible at "search". But metacpan is new (as far as I know). So my preference would be to make "cpan://..." turn into "google:// ..." and add metacpan:// in the mean time. At some point metacpan will seem unlikely to just disappear and cpan:// going to metacpan might be better.

- tye        

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Re^4: metacpan link shortcut? (both)
by jdporter (Paladin) on Jul 12, 2011 at 19:24 UTC

    So then what? metacpan:// becomes simply an alias of cpan://? (though possibly vice versa under the hood)

      I would also suggest not to introduce yet another alias but let the user decide which "CPAN-search engine" to use.

      Along the line the Display Settings lets the user select the language preference for WikiMedia links, the user could select his/her preferred CPAN-search engine (cpan, metacpan, etc.). So the one and only cpan:// tag is dynamically mapped according to the users individual preferences.
      That would leave 16k zombies (half ;-) alive.(misread quote ;-)

      Although this approach might cost some additional cycles. If one wants to add another level of complication, user preferences can be ignored if a node is older than July, 2011 or so.

Re^4: metacpan link shortcut? (both)
by spazm (Monk) on Nov 11, 2011 at 23:02 UTC
    Yes, search is also much improved over, but it's the browsing experience improvements (and rapid development of new features) that have won me over. metacpan is a much nicer module and code browsing experience.

    metacpan has sponsors for hosting, bandwidth, and DNS. So it is, at the least, not running on someone's personal machine. The project has had 57 individual contributors. I hope this bodes well for it staying around to the level of "permanence."

      Where is documented the query syntax? I don't find any documentation at all. (The FAQ is all meta stuff.) TIA.

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