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Which Signatures module to use (with Moose and Moo)?by BerntB (Deacon) |
on Jul 16, 2011 at 11:34 UTC ( [id://914833]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
BerntB has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: Greetings! Irrelevant background: I have lots of fun writing a hobby application, which I need to keep small. (I plan to let users install it even on Windows (PAR::Packer), if my girlfriend lets me borrow her computer to test.) So I'm trying out Moo, which I saw used on CPAN. Question: what is the "standard" Signatures library on CPAN today? Or rather, I have three sub questions. What are the default signature modules with:
The most relevant node I found was How can I make perltidy work with Method::Signatures?, where swartz++ got a patch into perltidy for /Method::Signatures(::Simple)?/. Thanks
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