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Which Signatures module to use (with Moose and Moo)?

by BerntB (Deacon)
on Jul 16, 2011 at 11:34 UTC ( [id://914833]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

BerntB has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


Irrelevant background: I have lots of fun writing a hobby application, which I need to keep small. (I plan to let users install it even on Windows (PAR::Packer), if my girlfriend lets me borrow her computer to test.) So I'm trying out Moo, which I saw used on CPAN.

Question: what is the "standard" Signatures library on CPAN today? Or rather, I have three sub questions. What are the default signature modules with:

  1. Moose? (MooseX::Method::Signatures?)
  2. Standalone? (Method::Signatures::Simple? signatures?)
  3. Moo? (Presumably the same as for Standalone?)

The most relevant node I found was How can I make perltidy work with Method::Signatures?, where swartz++ got a patch into perltidy for /Method::Signatures(::Simple)?/.


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Re: Which Signatures module to use (with Moose and Moo)?
by stvn (Monsignor) on Jul 18, 2011 at 01:48 UTC
    what is the "standard" Signatures library on CPAN today?

    There is none, all of them have their benefits and drawbacks. For the record, the Moose community has no preference. And MooseX::Method::Signatures is part of MooseX::Declare which is still considered an "experiment" by many (including much of the Moose core dev team).

    So I'm trying out Moo, which I saw used on CPAN.

    Do not let a few brave souls lead you to believe that Moo is a not still highly experimental. I would be very wary of deploying something so young as Moo, I would lead more towards the pure-perl version of Mouse which is much more mature.


      Thanks for the answer. I will go with Method::Signatures::Simple in the end. (I would have liked signatures for functions.) Now I just need to see if someone has updated CPerl mode in Emacs (edit: to recognize the 'method' instead of just 'sub').

      Re Moo -- I am writing a hobby hack; a bit experimental sounds OK. :-) Also, if there are problems -- as far as I can tell, it should be quite easy to switch to Moose/Mouse.

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