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Re^2: Which Signatures module to use (with Moose and Moo)?

by BerntB (Deacon)
on Jul 18, 2011 at 02:07 UTC ( [id://915054]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Which Signatures module to use (with Moose and Moo)?
in thread Which Signatures module to use (with Moose and Moo)?

Thanks for the answer. I will go with Method::Signatures::Simple in the end. (I would have liked signatures for functions.) Now I just need to see if someone has updated CPerl mode in Emacs (edit: to recognize the 'method' instead of just 'sub').

Re Moo -- I am writing a hobby hack; a bit experimental sounds OK. :-) Also, if there are problems -- as far as I can tell, it should be quite easy to switch to Moose/Mouse.

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