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Re^5: Blocking users

by Argel (Prior)
on Jul 20, 2011 at 20:00 UTC ( [id://915736]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^4: Blocking users
in thread Blocking users

I updated my post a few times, so you probably missed the link and except from tye's post that I just added. If you read those it should be clear that a blackout is the only option. How else do you deal with a troll? Lock the account? He can just create a new one or post anonymously. Blocking an IP address or a range of IP addresses is also easy get around these days thanks to other proxy servers out there. And we risk affecting innocent bystanders with that approach.

So, I'm sorry, but he made the choice to troll. And considering how disruptive trolls are and how hard they are to defeat by any other measure the only realistic option we have is to ignore the troll.

Your concern is admirable, but also naive and misplaced. And if he wants to start behaving like a mature adult then he can make a fresh start with a new account.

Elda Taluta; Sarks Sark; Ark Arks
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