CPAN::Meta::Converter package is part of the
CPAN-Meta distribution and version 2.112150 was uploaded earlier today. Perhaps that will fix your problem (although I don't see anything relevant in
Changes, but I don't know how old your CPAN::Meta is).
A new version of ExtUtils-MakeMaker has just been uploaded to CPAN. Its Changes includes...
Removed the %INC check from _has_cpan_meta and updated the CPAN::Meta
bundled with EUMM to one that doesn't set $VERSION in a begin block
so it can't appear to be loaded, thus causing us to mistakenly try
and call methods on CPAN::Meta modules - this is due to older versions
in site_perl shadowing our installation of other bundled modules.
[ 69465] [ 69900] [MSTROUT]
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