my $nowtime = localtime int($config{'time'}); opendir THEDIR, "$config{'basepath'}$form{'category'}" or &oops("Category directory $form{'category'} could not be opened."); my @allfiles = grep -T, map "$config{'basepath'}$form{'category'}/$_", sort { int($a) <=> int($b) } (readdir THEDIR); closedir THEDIR; my $file; my @cellcolor=($config{'odd_row_color'},$config{'even_row_color'}); my $color = 0; my $pagebreak = int $form{pb} || 30; my ($icount, $pcount) = (0,0); print "
\n"; print "
 All Items - $category{$form{'category'}}
\n"; print "

\n"; pagebreak($pcount,$pagebreak); # This is where I have the top pagebreak navigation bar print "

\n" print "\n"; print "\n"; foreach $file (@allfiles) { $icount++; if($icount > $pagebreak){$icount=1; $pcount++} next if $pcount != $form{page}; $file =~ s/^$config{'basepath'}$form{'category'}\///; $file =~ s/\.dat$//; my ($title, $reserve, $inc, $desc, $image1, $image2, $image3, $image4, $thumb1, $thumb2, $thumb3, $thumb4, $dutch, $qty, $bold, $highlight, $feat, $catfeat, $grabber, $relist, $buyit, $gallery, $counter, $ship1, $ship2, $ship3, $ship4, $ship5, $shipcost, $location, $pay1, $pay2, $pay3, $pay4, $pay5, $pay6, $pay7, $pay8, $pay9, $paypal, $idata1, $idata2, $idata3, $idata4, $idata5, $idata6, $idata7, $idata8, $idata9, @bids) = &read_item_file($form{'category'},$file); chomp($title, $reserve, $inc, $desc, $image1, $image2, $image3, $image4, $thumb1, $thumb2, $thumb3, $thumb4, $dutch, $qty, $bold, $highlight, $feat, $catfeat, $grabber, $relist, $buyit, $gallery, $counter, $ship1, $ship2, $ship3, $ship4, $ship5, $shipcost, $location, $pay1, $pay2, $pay3, $pay4, $pay5, $pay6, $pay7, $pay8, $pay9, $paypal, $idata1, $idata2, $idata3, $idata4, $idata5, $idata6, $idata7, $idata8, $idata9, @bids); my @firstbid = split(/\[\]/,$bids[0]); my @lastbid = split(/\[\]/,$bids[$#bids]); my $usersfeed = &feeder($firstbid[0],2); my $usersfeed2 = &feeder2($firstbid[0],2); my $bidderfeed = &feeder($lastbid[0],2); if ($title ne '') { my ($alias, $email, $bid, $time, $add1, $add2, $add3, $oqty, $qtysold) = &read_bid($bids[$#bids]); my ($selleralias, $selleremail, $sellerbid, $sellertime, $selleradd1, $selleradd2, $selleradd3) = &read_bid($bids[0]); my $timeleft = &timeleft($file); my $imagedisp = ""; my $rowcolor; if ($highlight eq "Yes") { $rowcolor = $config{'yellowrow'}; } else { $rowcolor = $cellcolor[$color]; } if ($alias eq $selleralias){ $bidderfeed = "No bids yet..."; my $lastbid = $sellerbid; } else { $bidderfeed = "$bidderfeed"; } if ($bold eq $config{'bolditemnum'}) { print "\n"; $color = int(!($color)); } else { print "\n"; $color = int(!($color)); } } } print "
StatusAll Items - $category{$form{'category'}}PriceBidsHigh BidderCloses $config{'timezone'}Options
"; print "
" if ($thumb1); print "
$title"; print " " if (($buyit > 0) && ($#bids < 1)); print "$config{'currency'}$bid$#bids$bidderfeed$timeleft

"; print "
" if ($thumb1); print "
$title"; print " " if (($buyit > 0) && ($#bids < 1)); print "$config{'currency'}$bid$#bids$bidderfeed$timeleft

\n"; print "

\n"; pagebreak($pcount,$pagebreak); # This is the bottom pagebreak navigation bar print "
