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Re^2: Can I get a -S switch that doesn't care about the execute bit?

by DrWhy (Chaplain)
on Aug 23, 2011 at 02:43 UTC ( [id://921790]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Can I get a -S switch that doesn't care about the execute bit?
in thread Can I get a -S switch that doesn't care about the execute bit?

Hmm... Thanks for the feedback. I don't suppose anyone has thought about creating a pragma module that lets you make modifications to find_script's behavior? Or does that come to early in perl execution to be amenable to modification by a pragma. If it could work of course it would be something that could only be usefully used as a -m/-M argument on the perl command line, I would guess.


"If God had meant for us to think for ourselves he would have given us brains. Oh, wait..."

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Re^3: Can I get a -S switch that doesn't care about the execute bit?
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 23, 2011 at 06:45 UTC

    Hmm... Thanks for the feedback. I don't suppose anyone has thought about creating a pragma module that lets you make modifications to find_script's behavior? Or does that come to early in perl execution to be amenable to modification by a pragma. If it could work of course it would be something that could only be usefully used as a -m/-M argument on the perl command line, I would guess.

    There was this one guy, but a rock fell from the sky and crushed him :)

    Hey, my Win32 doesn't croak if there is no execute bit, you can switch to Win32 :D

    No, it doesn't happen too early ... UTSL

      Will wonders never cease??? Something Win32 is good for...

      I don't have time to learn how to make my own pragma to accomplish this, so I'll probably go the make-all-the-scripts-executable route.


      "If God had meant for us to think for ourselves he would have given us brains. Oh, wait..."

        It should be fairly trivial, simply locate the point where -x is tested, and add conditional (!SvTRUE( get_sv("sx::y"))

        In file util.c in function Perl_find_script

        if (S_ISREG(PL_statbuf.st_mode) && cando(S_IRUSR,TRUE,&PL_statbuf) #if !defined(DOSISH) && !SvTRUE( get_sv("sx::y") && cando(S_IXUSR,TRUE,&PL_statbuf) #endif ) { xfound = tmpbuf; /* bingo! */ break; }
        and accompanying badly named pragma
        package sx::y; $sx::y = $VERSION = 0.01; 1;

        when you recompile perl, use as perl -Msx::y -S foo

        Untested, so not in patch form

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