Jeri has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi, I've checked this, double, checked this, and triple checked this with the EXACT files. My code works completely on my local computer, but does not on my remote computer (both compile). I used several catches to identify the problem and it seems that the -s (found in the sub MuscleHMMERsearch) is not allowing the code on the remote server to proceed through the 'if' statement. The remote computer gives a false, while, my local computer gives a true. Or maybe I just need a little guidance? Please, please, please, I beg you, do not say it's my files. I tried them tried, and tried them, and came back again and tried them. I'm certain the -s in the 'if' statement is causing all my woes.
#!/usr/bin/perl5.8.8 use strict; use warnings; my $familyName; #stores the family name open (my $OUTFILE,">","FamDATA") || die $!; #opens outfile that will +contain the protein families and all their associated sequences with +an e-value <= 0.001 print $OUTFILE "family\ttarget,e-value,bit-score"; #header for the out +file tempProteinFamFileCreator(); #creates a temp file with protein family +sends it to MUSCLE and HMMER, and then sends table output to sub Tab +leParse to extract necessary data (this includes the protein families + and all their associated sequences with an e-value <= 0, the actual +e-value, and the bit-score) close ($OUTFILE); #closes the outfile #creates a temp file with protein family sends it to MUSCLE and HMMER, + and then sends table output to sub TableParse to extract necessary +data (this includes the protein families and all their associated seq +uences with an e-value <= 0, the actual e-value, and the bit-score sub tempProteinFamFileCreator { my $infile = $ARGV[0]."_ProFam"; #captures the name of the infiles (Pr +otein Family Files) as determined by the STNDIN open (my $INFILE,"<", $infile) || die $!; #opens the infile (Protein F +amily Files) open (my $TEMP,">",'temp') || die $!; #opens the temp file which will + store a single protein family at a time. while(<$INFILE>) #entering the infile { my $line = $_; #sets the default iterator to a value if ($line =~/^##(UniRef90_[\w\d]+) Protein Family/) { close ($TEMP); #closes temp file MuscleHMMERsearch(); #enters subroutine MuscleHMMERsearch open ($TEMP,">",'temp'); #opens temp file seek ($TEMP, 0 ,0); #used to overwrite the temp file each time +, by returning to the beginning of the file $familyName = $1; #storing the protein family name } if ($line =~/^>UniRef90_[\w\d]+\.UniRef100_[\w\d]+/ || $line = +~/^[\w\d]+/) { chomp $_; #removes any remaining white space from around the d +efault iterator print $TEMP "$_\n"; #prints to temp file } if ($line =~/^>File/) { close ($TEMP); #closes temp file MuscleHMMERsearch(); #enters subroutine MuscleHMMERsearch } } #end of while loop close ($INFILE); #closes the $INFILE handle } #end of subroutine tempProteinFamFileCreator #temp file (single protein family) is sent to MUSCLE, hmmbuild, hmmsea +rch and creates a table. sub MuscleHMMERsearch { open (my $TEMP,"<",'temp') || die $!; #opens temp file (single protei +n family) if (-s "/home/vcg/Documents/Trial/temp") #checks to see if file is + not empty { # MUSCLE creating a multiple alignment file my $Fprot = "temp"; my $MAF = "MuscleAlignmentFile"; my $cmd = "/home/vcg/Documents/Trial/muscle -in $Fprot -out $MAF"; print $cmd. "\n"; system ($cmd); if ($?) {die "command $cmd failed\n"}; # HMMER creating a profile HMM from a multiple alignment file my $HMMbf = "HMMbuildfile"; $cmd = "/home/vcg/Documents/Trial/hmmbuild --informat afa $HMMbf $ +MAF"; print $cmd. "\n"; system ($cmd); if ($?) {die "command $cmd failed\n"}; $cmd = "rm /home/vcg/Documents/Trial/$MAF"; system ($cmd); # Searching the sequence database with hmmsearch my $results = "HMMsearch_results"; $cmd = "/home/vcg/Documents/Trial/hmmsearch --F1 .002 --F2 .001 -- +F3 .00001 --tblout HMMtable.tbl --cpu 1 -E .001 $HMMbf +a >> $results"; print $cmd. "\n"; system ($cmd); if ($?) {die "command $cmd failed\n"}; $cmd = "rm /home/vcg/Documents/Trial/$HMMbf"; system ($cmd); TableParser(); #enters subroutine TableParser } } #end of subroutine MuscleHMMERsearch #table output created in sub MuscleHMMERsearch, is parsed, and the nec +essary data is extract and sent/appended to a resulting file. This in +cludes the protein families and all their associated sequences with a +n e-value <= 0, the actual e-value, and the bit-score. sub TableParser { open (my $TABLE,"<","HMMtable.tbl") || die $!; #opens table ouput crea +ted in sub MuscleHMMERsearch print $OUTFILE "\n$familyName\t"; #prints the protein family name while(<$TABLE>) #space delimited file\ #enters the table file { if ($_=~/^#/){next;} #bypasses headers my @data = split(" ", $_); #the table file is space delimited. All + the data is divided by a space and stored in an array. if ($_=~/^UniRef100/) { my $TargetName = $data[0]; #stores target name/ sequences with e-v +alue <= 0.001 my $E_value = $data[4]; #stores the e-value of that sequence my $BitScore = $data[5]; #stores the bit-score of that sequence print $OUTFILE "$TargetName,$E_value,$BitScore\t"; #prints all thi +s data to a resulting file } } close ($TABLE); #closes $TABLE filehandle } # end of subroutine TableParser

Thank you, thank you, thank you