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The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:

by ColdCoffee (Initiate)
on Oct 01, 2011 at 09:24 UTC ( [id://929017]=poll: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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Take out the trash
[bar] 19/2%
Clean my house/apartment/cave
[bar] 48/6%
Eat dinner
[bar] 107/12%
Take the turkey out of the oven
[bar] 16/2%
[bar] 165/19%
Show up for my DnD game
[bar] 16/2%
Pick up my car from the repair shop
[bar] 2/0%
Show up for work
[bar] 29/3%
Show up for unemployment benefits meeting
[bar] 1/0%
Show up for court
[bar] 11/1%
Show up to a first date
[bar] 10/1%
Show up to a wedding
[bar] 5/1%
Get an appendectomy
[bar] 5/1%
Get a root canal
[bar] 3/0%
Take a final exam
[bar] 10/1%
Graduate from college/graduate school/correspondence school
[bar] 35/4%
Get a real life
[bar] 203/23%
Answer this stupid poll
[bar] 149/17%
[bar] 31/4%
865 total votes
  • Comment on The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
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Re: The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
by Tux (Canon) on Oct 01, 2011 at 13:59 UTC
    • Collect the kids from nursery

    Well, not forget, but I turned up about an hour late. Bad parent!

    That was years ago. They're now 13 and 17 years old, so I never have to collect them from nursery anymore. Only short till they can get the cat to collect me from a party :)

    I never forget to go to sleep, but postponing the moment to hit the sheets will lead to sleep-deprivation.

    Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn
Re: The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
by choroba (Cardinal) on Oct 01, 2011 at 09:31 UTC
    Twas not really a turkey, just water in a kettle. The smell brought me back to reality, I had to buy a new kettle. Besides that, I forgot several more things (in the list or not), but this one was probably the worst.
      Something similar happened to me whilst coding. I burned soup. When all the water evaporated the ramen noodles started burning, but it was the fire alarm that brought me back to the kitchen.
Re: The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
by blue_cowdawg (Monsignor) on Oct 03, 2011 at 18:33 UTC

    sleep... definitely sleep.

    There has been more than one occasion where I actually fell asleep at the keyboard in mid line of code and when SWMBO woke me up demanding to know when I was coming to bed at say 3AM or so not remembering what I just wrote.

    Funny how the code made no sense to me either...

    For those that don't know: SWMBO means She Who Must Be Obeyed, wife... XYL... whatever you prefer to call her...

    Peter L. Berghold -- Unix Professional
    Peter -at- Berghold -dot- Net; AOL IM redcowdawg Yahoo IM: blue_cowdawg
Re: The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
by koolgirl (Hermit) on Oct 03, 2011 at 01:09 UTC

    Things I daily forget to do while writing code mainly consist of sleep, eat, sleep, breathe, sleep, social interaction, sleep, live and...did I say sleep..?

    "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.." -- George Bernard Shaw

      Yabbut.... you don't actually have to remember to breathe do you? Since it is a vital process for the body the brain has systems in place to make it always happens. It isn't really optional.

      Any parent here have a toddler who used the not-breathing-till-I-get-my-way trick? I didn't but I can imagine it looks pretty scary. However the minute they black out due to lack of oxygen the automatic processes kick in and they start breathing again.

        They try that only once, if you know how to deal with them. What I did helped with both my kids. I started laughing at them. Loudly. The angrier they get because their "trick" didn't work, the harder you laugh. First time is confronting to see how angry they can get, but that happened only maybe twice. My advice is still to NOT get angry at a kid that starts a trick or two to get what they want. Give them back what they give and have fun.

        Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn

        No, technically it isn't optional, but when I've been on a bug hunt for seven hours and I think I've finally found it, then hit the enter key, and watch the command line intensely to see if I have, at this point I hold my breath, and forget to breathe again until I begin swearing at the, so there is a small momentary lapse of remembering to breath in there some where..:)

        As far as the toddler, I happen to have one now, (4 and a half), and I'd have to agree with Tux on that. Tux++

        "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.." -- George Bernard Shaw

      After frequently struggling and straining to not miss anything on the screen

      I find blinking the most frequent thing I forget to do -- it simply isn't automatic anymore

      The resulting crust buildup can be dangerously scratchy

        Blinking, that's a good one...maybe that's why my eyes burn so damn bad after a bug hunt.

        "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.." -- George Bernard Shaw

Re: The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
by planetscape (Chancellor) on Oct 01, 2011 at 16:03 UTC

    Again with the clean!


Re: The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
by baxy77bax (Deacon) on Oct 03, 2011 at 16:40 UTC
    forgot to pick up my wife from the airport...

    but then i made some convincing life or death excuse and i guess she bought it. (though i really doubt it... i believe that she was too tired to yell at me)

Re: The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
by ChuckularOne (Prior) on Oct 03, 2011 at 15:45 UTC
    Eat dinner is a little specific. Eat, in general is more like it.
Re: The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
by FloydATC (Deacon) on Oct 04, 2011 at 10:30 UTC
    Other: Go home

    -- Time flies when you don't know what you're doing
Re: The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
by petecm99 (Pilgrim) on Oct 10, 2011 at 17:37 UTC
    Forgetting to sleep is great. Especially when you doze off then wake up after a few hours, in considerable cramping pain, with drool down your chin, wondering where the hell you are!
Re: The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
by jgamble (Pilgrim) on Oct 06, 2011 at 17:05 UTC

    Other: Laundry

Re: The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
by SparkeyG (Curate) on Oct 20, 2011 at 20:53 UTC
    While not a first date, while in College I totally lost track of reality and stood my girlfriend for a night on the town. She got rather pissed and took a gf or hers. I had to make for that majorly. But no worries, she decided to marry me a few year later. What was she thinking.
Re: The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
by alandev (Scribe) on Oct 14, 2011 at 09:23 UTC

    forgot to get connected !!!

Re: The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
by pileofrogs (Priest) on Oct 28, 2011 at 20:29 UTC

    Other: catch a ferry boat

Re: The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
by hypochrismutreefuzz (Scribe) on Oct 28, 2011 at 20:56 UTC

    I don't see what is so important about this "real life" however.

Re: The most important thing I have forgotten to do because I was writing code:
by Anonymous Monk on Oct 20, 2011 at 01:02 UTC
    To get a wife.

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