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Re^4: How Large Does Your Project Have To Be to Justify Using Moose? (modular)

by jgamble (Pilgrim)
on Oct 06, 2011 at 23:50 UTC ( [id://930086]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: How Large Does Your Project Have To Be to Justify Using Moose? (modular)
in thread How Large Does Your Project Have To Be to Justify Using Moose?

That's a good question.

Most of the interface of my ancient module is not centered around the attributes (once the information is passed in via new(), that's pretty much it). The majority of the methods are there messing with the object state, and the remaining soon-to-be-implemented-as-plugins methods are there for different types of output. Is Moose the right tool for this?

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Re^5: How Large Does Your Project Have To Be to Justify Using Moose? (modular)
by Arunbear (Prior) on Oct 07, 2011 at 12:09 UTC
    Moose also gives you Roles which seem like a good fit for the "soon-to-be-implemented-as-plugins methods" (there's also a longer explanation of roles).

    It also makes delegation very easy to set up (as another more optimal reuse method than inheritance).

    Even if the attributes aren't part of the module's interface, Moose will create for you a new() method that lets the attributes be passed in e.g.
    package Person; use Moose; has 'name' => (reader => '_name'); has 'age' => (reader => '_age'); sub talk { my $self = shift; printf "My name is %s and I'm %d years young\n", $self->_name, $sel +f->_age; } package main; my $bob = Person->new(name => 'Bob', age => 55); $bob->talk(); $bob->age(1); # dies
    And it's nice to be able to see at a glance what the attributes are instead of having to dig into the constructor.

      Moose also gives you Roles which seem like a good fit for the "soon-to-be-implemented-as-plugins methods"...

      Hmm. Although it doesn't seem to provide a plugin framework itself. I take it I should be looking elsewhere for a standard, or at least commonly used, way to do that?

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