Moose also gives you Roles which seem like a good fit for the "soon-to-be-implemented-as-plugins methods" (there's also a longer explanation of roles).
It also makes delegation very easy to set up (as another more optimal reuse method than inheritance).
Even if the attributes aren't part of the module's interface, Moose will create for you a new() method that lets the attributes be passed in e.g.
package Person;
use Moose;
has 'name' => (reader => '_name');
has 'age' => (reader => '_age');
sub talk {
my $self = shift;
printf "My name is %s and I'm %d years young\n", $self->_name, $sel
package main;
my $bob = Person->new(name => 'Bob', age => 55);
$bob->age(1); # dies
And it's nice to be able to see at a glance what the attributes are instead of having to dig into the constructor.