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Re: Is there a way to compare strings without using an array?

by jgamble (Pilgrim)
on Oct 18, 2011 at 19:36 UTC ( [id://932225]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Is there a way to compare strings without using an array?

The keyword you're looking for is "Levenshtein".

Google (or DuckDuckGo) will find you information on his algorithm. You'll also find modules that handle that in CPAN (put "Levenshtein" in the search box, keep the "in" box to "All").

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Re^2: Is there a way to compare strings without using an array?
by Jeri (Scribe) on Oct 18, 2011 at 19:48 UTC

    Actually I'm not sure this will work because my string will look something like this..

    648040620,637132715,649986572 etc.

    Levenshtein could take into account some unwanted modifications, such as changing the entire 9 digit number by changing a single digit

    I need the numbers not to be considered as change-able

      Wait ... you mean your proteins are not single letters? But actually a 9 digit number like 648040620? Then the regex solution as mentioned above will not work and I think you better put your data in arrays and use List::Compare to calculate the set intersection and such.


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        I like the List::Compare. It looks good. I'm just worried about, because my array will be at least 5 million in length. Can you offer me any peace of mind?

        I'm not 100% sure what you want to do here Jeri. The sample below assumes you have a single string composed of 9 character sequences. When the 'for' has run the keys of %uniq will be the unique 9 character sequences.

        It would take a while and a lot of memory over 5 mill x 9 char sequences!

        my $str = join '',(648040620,637132715,649986572,648040620 ); my $proteins_count = length ($str)/9; my %uniq; do { $uniq{$_}++ unless $uniq{$_} } for unpack "(A9)$proteins_count" , $str; print "@{[keys %uniq]}\n";
        Prints ..
        637132715 648040620 649986572

        I'm going to give it a shot today. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks.

Re^2: Is there a way to compare strings without using an array?
by Jeri (Scribe) on Oct 18, 2011 at 19:41 UTC

    oooo thanks, this might just be what I need

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