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Re: Writing a Programming Language in Perl

by JavaFan (Canon)
on Oct 26, 2011 at 06:37 UTC ( [id://933798]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Writing a Programming Language in Perl

I'd start by first thinking what your new language should do. Is it going to be a domain specific language? Or a general purpose one? If the latter, what is its strength going to be? Is it going to be procedial? functional? OO? Block based? List based? Something else?
Second, make some trade-offs. Do you want to write a simple compiler/interpreter? (That probably means a simple syntax, not many features in your language). Does the compiler have to be run fast? Or do you want to give much power to the user of the language (resulting in a more complex compiler)?

Only then I'd worry about the implementation.

Oh, and my step 0 would be is to ponder about "if I really haven't a fucking clue on how to do that, is my disdain to read a book justified"?

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Re^2: Writing a Programming Language in Perl
by programmer99 (Novice) on Oct 26, 2011 at 09:37 UTC
    In a way, I have already thought this out. The issue I am having now how to get started with the actual code. Thanks so much!
      well, just look over Parse::Yapp, that would be your entry point.
      In a way, I have already thought this out. The issue I am having now how to get started with the actual code.
      So, your question really is, I know what I want to do, but I'm not telling you what it is, yet I ask from you how to get started?

      Is that how you ask for directions in an unknown city as well? You ask I want to go somewhere, in which direction do I go?

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