Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
I have spent some time trying to learn Perl. While I find that I recognize and can recreate code with much of the syntax, (it's operators and most commonly used functions) I still am missing a small essential skill that would help me move forward: Learning how to actually program.
At first this wasn't so clear. I thought "Learn Perl" or even "Learn another language (at least through a few tutorials) to better understand Perl through comparison." Copying examples and running them etc. have been good but if asked to create a defined project from scratch I would be lost.
I took a look at some programming books from a list on StackOverflow to get ideas on something that will help fill the gap. It's a pretty big list and they all seem great but I honestly just want to pick up a book that will help get me unstuck sooner rather than later.
I reviewed a number of the books on the mentioned list and am considering purchasing one of the following:
- Art of UNIX Programming
- Code Complete
- Pragmatic Programmer
- Programming Pearls
Thank you