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Rotating text in perl tk

by karlj (Initiate)
on Nov 07, 2011 at 23:47 UTC ( [id://936614]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

karlj has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I know this question has been asked before, but I cant find an answer that I like ;-) So here it is again. How do I create vertical text in perl tk? Im looking for a solution that involves changing the text to an image and rotating the image. Is there a way to do that? I know I could use Zinc or other extensions, but it has to work on a bunch of machines across a network, and trying to maintain the zinc installation has a host of problems on our setup. So I want to do it with straight perl tk. I can also stack the letters vertically, but that looks realy bad. Not sure if any rotated fonts exist, but again that involves installing the font on a bunch of systems, which is problematic for me. Can a rotated font be created on the fly from an existing font? thanks for any ideas! Karl

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Re: Rotating text in perl tk
by zentara (Archbishop) on Nov 08, 2011 at 10:41 UTC
    Here is a package written by eserte, who is the current Tk maintainer and guru. If you can figure it out, ;-)

    Otherwise, without Tk::Zinc you are stuck using Cairo , look at the example in the Cairo module source.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*- *perl* -*- package main; use vars qw($x11); package Tk::RotX11Font; # $Id:,v 1.13 1999/01/22 00:38:27 eserte Exp eserte $ # Author: Slaven Rezic # # Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Slaven Rezic. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as *Perl* itself. # # Mail: ese... #</groups/unlock?msg=a8e2ebe3c5c85dc4&_done=/group/ +rowse_thread/thread/a128e86f32629886/a8e2ebe3c5c85dc4%3Flnk%3Dst%26q% +3DX11%253A%253AProtocol%2BPerl%26rnum%3D2> # WWW: use Tk; use Tk::Font; use strict; use vars qw(%font_cache); sub new { my($pkg, $text, $f_sub, $size, $rad) = @_; my $self = {}; ($self->{Font}, $self->{'Xadd'}, $self->{'Yadd'}) = get_font_attrib($text, $f_sub, $size, $rad); $self->{Text} = $text; bless $self, $pkg; } sub writeCanvas { my($rotfont, $c, $x, $y, $tags, $text) = @_; my $xadd_ref = $rotfont->{Xadd}; my $yadd_ref = $rotfont->{Yadd}; $text = $rotfont->{Text} if !defined $text; for(split(//, $text)) { my $item = $c->createText ($x, $y, -text => $_, -font => $rotfont->{Font}, -anchor => 'w', (defined $tags ? (-tags => $tags) : ())); $x+=$xadd_ref->[ord($_)]; $y+=$yadd_ref->[ord($_)]; } ($x, $y); } # Arguments: # $c - canvas # $x, $y - start coordinates # $f_sub - template for font as a sub reference, something like: # sub { "-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--0-" . $_[0] ."-0-0 +-p-0-iso8859-1" } # $size - point- (or pixel?)size # $rad - angle in radians # $text - text for output # $tags - (optional) tags # # Returns coordinate ($x, $y) of the position of textcursor after draw +ing. sub writeRot { my($c, $x, $y, $f_sub, $size, $rad, $text, $tags) = @_; my($f, $xadd_ref, $yadd_ref) = get_font_attrib($text, $f_sub, $siz +e, $rad); for(split(//, $text)) { my $item = $c->createText($x, $y, -text => $_, -font => $f, -anchor => 'w', (defined $tags ? (-tags => $tags) : +())); $x+=$xadd_ref->[ord($_)]; $y+=$yadd_ref->[ord($_)]; } ($x, $y); } # Returns an array with the generated X11 font name, and references # to the per-character X-Add- and Y-Add-arrays sub get_font_attrib { my($text, $f_sub, $size, $rad) = @_; my($mat) = get_matrix($size, $rad); my %chars_used = map { (ord($_), 1) } split(//, $text); my $chars_used = join(" ", sort {$a <=> $b } keys %chars_used); # X11R6- oder *X11::Protocol*-Bug? Font-Struktur muĂ&#159; mehr al +s ein # Zeichen enthalten! if (scalar keys %chars_used == 1) { $chars_used .= " " . ((keys(%chars_used))[0] == 32 ? 33 : 32); } my $f = $f_sub->($mat); $f .= "[$chars_used]"; my($xadd_ref, $yadd_ref) = get_x11font_resources($f, \%chars_used) +; ($f, $xadd_ref, $yadd_ref); } sub get_matrix { my($size, $r) = @_; my($mat); foreach ($size*cos($r), $size*sin($r), $size*-sin($r), $size*cos($ +r)) { s/-/~/g; if ($mat) { $mat .= " " } $mat .= $_; } "[" . $mat . "]"; } sub x_y_extent { my($rotfont, $text) = @_; my $x = 0; my $y = 0; my $xadd_ref = $rotfont->{Xadd}; my $yadd_ref = $rotfont->{Yadd}; $text = $rotfont->{Text} if !defined $text; foreach (split(//, $text)) { $x += $xadd_ref->[ord($_)]; $y += $yadd_ref->[ord($_)]; } ($x, $y); } sub get_x_y_extent { my($text, $f_sub, $size, $rad) = @_; my($f, $xadd_ref, $yadd_ref) = get_font_attrib($text, $f_sub, $siz +e, $rad); my $x = 0; my $y = 0; foreach (split(//, $text)) { $x += $xadd_ref->[ord($_)]; $y += $yadd_ref->[ord($_)]; } ($x, $y); } sub get_x11font_resources { my $font = shift; my $chars_used_ref = shift; my $fid = $main::x11->new_rsrc; $main::x11->OpenFont($fid, $font); my(%res) = $main::x11->QueryFont($fid); my @x; foreach (keys %{$res{'properties'}}) { if ($main::x11->atom_name($_) eq 'FONT') { my $realfont; $realfont = $main::x11->atom_name($res{'properties'}->{$_} +); my(@f) = split(/-/, $realfont); @x = split(/\s/, substr($f[7], 1, length($f[7])-2)); foreach (@x) { s/~/-/g } last; } } my(@font_xadd); my(@font_yadd); $#font_xadd = 255; $#font_yadd = 255; foreach (keys %$chars_used_ref) { my $attr = $res{'char_infos'}->[$_-$res{'min_char_or_byte2'}]- +>[5]; my($x, $y) = ($attr/1000*$x[0], -$attr/1000*$x[1]); $font_xadd[$_] = $x; $font_yadd[$_] = $y; } $main::x11->CloseFont($fid); $font_cache{$font} = [\@font_xadd, \@font_yadd]; # XXX create dup? (\@font_xadd, \@font_yadd); } return 1 if caller(); package main; use Tk; use X11::Protocol; MAIN: { my $top = new MainWindow; $x11 = X11::Protocol->new(); my $font = shift || "adobe-helvetica"; # $font = "arial"; my $size = shift || 24; my $f_sub = sub { "-$font-medium-r-normal--0-" . $_[0] . "-0-0-p-0 +-iso8859-1" }; my $c = $top->Canvas(-width => 500, -height => 500, -bg => 'white', )->pack; my $start = time; for(my $deg = -180; $deg <= 180; $deg+=15) { my $d = $deg; my $r = _deg2rad($d); my $text = " Some Rotated Text"; # my $rotfont = new Tk::RotX11Font $text, $f_sub, $size, $r; # $rotfont->writeCanvas($c, 250, 250); Tk::RotX11Font::writeRot($c, 250, 250, $f_sub, $size, $r, $tex +t); printf STDERR "(x/y) at %4d° = (" . join("/", Tk::RotX11Font::get_x_y_extent($text, $f_sub, $siz +e,$r)) . ")\n", $d; } warn "Time: " . (time-$start) . " seconds\n"; MainLoop; } sub _deg2rad { $_[0]/180*3.141592653; } __END__

    I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.
    Old Perl Programmer Haiku ................... flash japh
Re: Rotating text in perl tk
by zentara (Archbishop) on Nov 08, 2011 at 10:56 UTC
    If you can move to Gtk2, the rotated fonts look way better than inTk.
    #! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Glib qw/TRUE FALSE/; use Gtk2 '-init'; my $deg = 0; my $label; Glib::Timeout->add (200,sub{ &rotate_label() }); #standard window creation, placement, and signal connecting my $window = Gtk2::Window->new('toplevel'); $window->signal_connect('delete_event' => sub { Gtk2->main_quit; }); $window->set_border_width(5); $window->set_position('center_always'); #this vbox will geturn the bulk of the gui my $vbox = &ret_vbox(); #add and show the vbox $window->add($vbox); $window->show(); #our main event-loop Gtk2->main(); sub ret_vbox { #create a vbox to pack the following widgets my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(FALSE,5); #this will be the label who gets rotated throughout the program $label = Gtk2::Label->new(); #start with it at 90deg to have max space alllocated to it $label->set_angle(90); $label->set_markup('<span foreground="DarkRed" size="x-large"><b>R +otating Label</b></span>'); $vbox->pack_start($label,FALSE,FALSE,4); #create table to pack the labels that will demo how mnemonic text +work my $table = Gtk2::Table->new (2, 2, FALSE); my $lbl_mnemonic_one = Gtk2::Label->new_with_mnemonic("Label _ +One:"); $lbl_mnemonic_one->set_alignment (1, 1); $table->attach_defaults ($lbl_mnemonic_one, 0, 1, 0, 1); my $ent_one = Gtk2::Entry->new(); $lbl_mnemonic_one->set_mnemonic_widget ($ent_one); $table->attach_defaults ($ent_one, 1, 2, 0, 1); my $lbl_mnemonic_two = Gtk2::Label->new(); $lbl_mnemonic_two->set_markup_with_mnemonic('<span foreground= +"maroon" size="x-large"><i>Label _Two</i></span>'); $lbl_mnemonic_two->set_alignment (0, 0); $table->attach_defaults ($lbl_mnemonic_two, 0, 1, 1, 2); my $ent_two = Gtk2::Entry->new(); $lbl_mnemonic_two->set_mnemonic_widget ($ent_two); $table->attach_defaults ($ent_two, 1, 2, 1, 2); $vbox->pack_end($table,FALSE,FALSE,4); $vbox->pack_end(Gtk2::HSeparator->new(),FALSE,FALSE,4); #create a label that will demo pango markup my $label_markup = Gtk2::Label->new(); $label_markup->set_markup("<span foreground=\"yellow1\" size=\"400 +00\">Label with</span><s><big> Tango </big></s> Pango<span background + = 'black' foreground= 'green' size ='30000'><i>markup</i></span>"); $vbox->pack_end($label_markup,FALSE,FALSE,4); $vbox->pack_end(Gtk2::HSeparator->new(),FALSE,FALSE,4); $vbox->show_all(); return $vbox; } sub rotate_label { $deg = $deg +5; ($deg==360)&&($deg =0); $label->set_angle($deg); return 1; }

    I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.
    Old Perl Programmer Haiku ................... flash japh
Re: Rotating text in perl tk
by Anonymous Monk on Nov 08, 2011 at 04:22 UTC

    Basically you're looking to create screenshots

    Good luck with that :)

    maintain the zinc installation has a host of problems on our setup.

    It has got to be a easier than reinventing every wheel :)

    Prima might work for you, its virtually as easy to install as Tk

    Heck, you could probably even turn it into a Tk extension (at least the interesting cavas-like parts)

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