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Re^6: metacpan link shortcut? (both)

by Anonymous Monk
on Nov 12, 2011 at 08:35 UTC ( [id://937726]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^5: metacpan link shortcut? (both)
in thread metacpan link shortcut?

A little testing reveals

search within a distribution

A little source diving (MetaCPAN::Web::Controller::Search) reveals

search for an author (author results on top of the other search results)

What, I just found out I like about metacpan, is the dependencies are listed for each module/distribution right on the page, and the reverse dependencies are a click away -- where as on, its always an extra click (a slow one)

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Re^7: metacpan link shortcut? (both)
by jdporter (Paladin) on Nov 12, 2011 at 13:38 UTC

    I'm taking that as a confirmation that there is no documentation. Source diving is not an acceptable substitute.

      I'm taking that as a confirmation that there is no documentation. Source diving is not an acceptable substitute.

      Yup, there is no documentation

      But, FWIW, there really isn't anything worth documenting anyway

      You really don't need to use author: to find an author by name

      As for dist:, you're provided with a search form on the distributions page -- if you make the connection, you make it :)

        But, FWIW, there really isn't anything worth documenting anyway You really don't need to use author: to find an author by name

        I beg to differ. The mere fact that one doesn't have to use a certain interface/feature doesn't mean it's not worth documenting.

        As for dist:, you're provided with a search form on the distributions page

        Where is this "distributions page"?

        I reckon we are the only monastery ever to have a dungeon stuffed with 16,000 zombies.

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