in reply to Inline::Python sucks

Sorry for resurrecting an old post, but this came up in one of my searches and I feel the module needs some praise...

Pretty sure Anon tried use Inline::Python; rather than bothering to understand what they were doing and instead do use Inline 'Python'; which works, with Inline delegating to whatever module you need AFAIK?

I'm really impressed with this module! I just used it to hook up some phylogenetic tree visualisation stuff in Python right into my Perl script... worked first time and even bridging to a Python object that is doing crazy QT and X-windows stuff.

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use Inline 'Python' => 'from ete2a1 import Tree'; my $tree = new Tree(shift()); $tree->show();
That is incredibly cool, and works! Up pops the Python interactive window for messing about with a tree passed in.