Before I get into the gist of my question, I'd like to direct your attention to Math::Fractal::Noisemaker, in particular the NOISE TYPES section. If you are viewing this in HTML, you will see nice graphics demonstrating the different types of fractal noise.
This was a nice idea that I immediately wanted to steal, so I looked at the author's POD code, and found that between "=begin HTML" and "=end HTML" sections he put an img tag pointing to jpeg on a github server.
Irrationally, I found this to be a little disappointing. To my mind, it would seem more elegant to have a CPAN document refer back to CPAN instead of a separate site. Thinking it over, I wondered if it made sense. Could a POD parser refer back to the module it was documenting? If I put an "images" directory in my package, could I have an HTML tag referring back to a directory that doesn't exist until PAUSE creates it?
I expect the answer is "no" (or even "hell no"), but I thought I'd run the idea by the perlmonk community. Stupid idea? Nice idea that's too tricky to get implemented? Or... possible to do?