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RE: Should Perl Gurus (Wall,Schwartz,Christiansen et al) receive mega XP based on who they are?

by infoninja (Friar)
on Apr 27, 2000 at 23:28 UTC ( [id://9451]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Should Perl Gurus (Wall,Schwartz,Christiansen et al) receive mega XP based on who they are?

Not to disparage Schwartz, Christiansen, etc., but how would one decide who (outside of lwall) classifies as a Perl Guru ?
  • Comment on RE: Should Perl Gurus (Wall,Schwartz,Christiansen et al) receive mega XP based on who they are?

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RE: RE: Should Perl Gurus (Wall,Schwartz,Christiansen et al) receive mega XP based on who they are?
by ergowolf (Monk) on Apr 27, 2000 at 23:43 UTC
    All three of these guys are saints in my book. I think all three have earned it. For the reasons bellow:

    1.) I own perl books from all three guys. They taught me perl! I would have missed the whole thing without them.
    2.) There is no question about there ability in perl.
    3.) Its cool to rub virtual elbows with Randal.
    4.) They are developing the language we are using.

      I'm not disagreeing with considering Schwartz and Christiansen as Perl Gurus, just curious how the decision would be made if a person classifies as a Perl Guru...
        I think authoring an ORA Perl book is a fair qualification.
RE: RE: Should Perl Gurus (Wall,Schwartz,Christiansen et al) receive mega XP based on who they are?
by Adam (Vicar) on Apr 28, 2000 at 00:17 UTC
    Sure... why not? Who else is more likely to have the right answers to our questions?
    (Besides, R.Schwartz already has mega XP as a Perl Monk)

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