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RE: Should Perl Gurus (Wall,Schwartz,Christiansen et al) receive mega XP based on who they are?

by buzzcutbuddha (Chaplain)
on Apr 28, 2000 at 00:38 UTC ( [id://9466]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Should Perl Gurus (Wall,Schwartz,Christiansen et al) receive mega XP based on who they are?

I would say that if O'Reilly trusts them to write books for them
them on the subject, then we can consider them gurus. Plus, if they
actually had a hand in shaping the language, they are a guru.

Plus, Larry Wall just plain acts and talks like a guru! :)
  • Comment on RE: Should Perl Gurus (Wall,Schwartz,Christiansen et al) receive mega XP based on who they are?

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RE: RE: Should Perl Gurus (Wall,Schwartz,Christiansen et al) receive mega XP based on who they are?
by perlcgi (Hermit) on Apr 28, 2000 at 00:41 UTC
    Absolutely! They've contributed so much, I'm only sorry its XP and not X$.

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