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Re: cleaning out a file

by turnstep (Parson)
on Apr 28, 2000 at 01:24 UTC ( [id://9480]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to cleaning out a file

But you could do this:
open(X, ">$filename");
or even:
perl -e "open(X, '>'.shift);" SYSTEM.DA0
which would shrink SYSTEM.DA0 to 0 bytes....

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RE: Re: cleaning out a file
by perlmonkey (Hermit) on Apr 28, 2000 at 02:49 UTC
    Yes, I think this is the safest way. close FH if open FH, ">".$filename But overwrite mode might do an unlink/link combo. (meaning that the file $filename might be deleted, then recreated as a empty file). So this could be the same asunlink $filename; open ">$filename"; I am not sure. Anybody actually know if there is a difference? The file inode number should still be the same though for either method.
    Depending on what you are doing this is probably good enough.

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