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RE: Should Perl Gurus (Wall,Schwartz,Christiansen et al) receive mega XP based on who they are?

by lhoward (Vicar)
on Apr 28, 2000 at 03:00 UTC ( [id://9500]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Should Perl Gurus (Wall,Schwartz,Christiansen et al) receive mega XP based on who they are?

One thing you could do would be to automatically give XP based on name/e-mail address appearing in the core perl distribution source-code and also points for each CPAN module they have authored. Here's some quick code I cobbled together to give a list of e-mail addresses and # of perl modules contributed to CPAN....
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use LWP::Simple; my $authors = get(""); my %aem; my %aec; while($authors=~/A NAME=\"([A-Z]+)\"\>.+?\&lt\;([^\&]*)\&gt\;/gcs){ $aem{$1}=$2; $aec{$1}=0; } my $modules = get(""); while($modules=~/A HREF=\"[^\"]+authors[^\"]+\"\>([A-Z]+)\<\/A\>\s+\<A + HREF=\"[^\"]+\"\>([^\<]+)/gcs){ $aec{$1}++; } my $k; foreach $k (sort keys %aem){ if($aec{$k}>0){ printf "%4d %s\n",$aec{$k},$aem{$k}; } }
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RE: RE: Should Perl Gurus (Wall,Schwartz,Christiansen et al) receive mega XP based on who they are?
by cciulla (Friar) on Apr 29, 2000 at 03:51 UTC
    I concur.

    Perhaps Y XP for every useful package/module?

    Especially Net::Syslog and Number::Spell. :)

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