One thing you could do would be to automatically give XP based on
name/e-mail address appearing in the core perl distribution source-code and also points for each CPAN module they have
Here's some quick code I cobbled together to give a list of e-mail addresses and # of perl modules contributed to CPAN....
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
my $authors = get("");
my %aem;
my %aec;
while($authors=~/A NAME=\"([A-Z]+)\"\>.+?\<\;([^\&]*)\>\;/gcs){
my $modules = get("");
while($modules=~/A HREF=\"[^\"]+authors[^\"]+\"\>([A-Z]+)\<\/A\>\s+\<A
+ HREF=\"[^\"]+\"\>([^\<]+)/gcs){
my $k;
foreach $k (sort keys %aem){
printf "%4d %s\n",$aec{$k},$aem{$k};