Ekimino has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello Monks, Since this is my first question and laziness is flowing through my veins which led me not to read posting instructions, I hope you understand me and my mistakes. I bought the "Llama" and I'm reading it slowly, but excercises won't do it for me, I feel like I need an actual project, which I'm having trouble to find an idea for. Since pretty much I come up with is either "Black Belt Ninja Mission" or already done, and I'm really looking forward to do something productive and useful to people. My current project idea is to make another music organizer/cleaner, the difference is that for those unrecognized/unnamed songs it should use a "Music Recognition Software" to name the song correctly and set also an album picture on every faceless song, all thanks to music recognition which i still need to find. I approached the monastery gates in look for some answers for my project, but i still accept wisdom words.