User since: Feb 06, 2012 at 16:22 UTC (12 years ago)
Last here: May 25, 2015 at 15:52 UTC (9 years ago)
Experience: 441
Level:Monk (7)
Writeups: 39
Location:Alberta, Canada
User's localtime: Apr 17, 2024 at 22:38 MDT
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Quick Bio

I am a professional programmer from Canada. I typically enjoy programming languages with a C-based syntax, such as C/C++, Perl, PHP, and JavaS‎crip‎t. I also enjoy Go(Google), Haskell, Rust, Ruby, and Python. However, I always seem to be reaching for Perl to solve most of my programming needs. I love reading and I have developed a serious taste for programming books. I just enjoy them for whatever the reason. Particularly those from the Pragmatic Bookshelf and O'Reilly.